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Abe the Wizard - Chapter 696

Chapter 696 Tauren

“Each rock thrower adjusts its angle on its own, the target is opposite the high platform, five groups of consecutive shots!” The commander of the knight on the miracle wall received the instruction at this time, he shouted.

All the teams of rock throwing machines began to adjust their angles. These are professional rock throwing machine operators. Their daily work is to practice rock throwing machines. It can be said that they are more flexible in mastering rock throwing machines than in their own bodies.

It took only thirty seconds for the sixty-seater boulder to be fully adjusted. The huge round stones were installed in the launcher. With the inertia brought by the heavy objects on the side of the boulder, these are half. A meter-diameter stone ball was thrown into the air.

In the air, the stone ball crossed an arc, slamming heavily on the platform, and some hit the empty space. Then it rolled and rushed down the gentle **** of the platform. The tauren in front of them did not flinch with the shield. They roared in their mouths. The shield goes against the stone ball.

When a tauren fell, two tauren would be on top. The huge impact of the stone ball also lost the impact after knocking down nearly ten tauren holding iron shields.

And some stone **** hit the tauren holding shields directly, causing even greater harm. A few tauren became flesh and blood on the spot, crushed several tauren, and then hit the orcs and throw rocks. on board.

The orc slinger broke a few giant trees by this collision, and the entire orc slinger began to shake.

“Maintenance! Repair!” With the shout of a foxman behind this orc slinger, more than a dozen foxmen rushed forward, using wooden blocks and iron nails to reinforce the damaged orc slinger. machine.

At the same time, there are elaborate shield tauren who take the place of the dead tauren. The task of the tauren is to protect the orc slinger and the foxes.

It must be known that the wood used in the stone throwing machine has very strict requirements, some are hard, some are flexible, and they are all oversized trees.

The location of the orc empire determines the scarcity of such huge trees. It costs a lot of money for these stone throwers. At the same time, the resources of the trees in the empire are limited. Although it is most dangerous to use human hands to the Budapest Mountains Some wood was cut down in the middle and high-level spirit beast area, but it is still not enough to consume.

In the end, the Orc Empire only demolished all the wooden houses in a few cities, which solved the problem of wood.

Even if this is the case, the range of these rock throwing machines has not reached the range of human rock throwing machines. This is the helpless decision to place the rock throwing machines at 250 meters.

“No, in this way, all our stone throwing opportunities will be destroyed. Go up to the crossbow to suppress the wall of miracles and raise the smoke to make the other side unable to aim!” General Gerald was very dissatisfied with the speed of the tauren, but there was no way He looked at Carroll, the tauren, ordered.

“Yes, General!” Carol the Tauren hummed.

Soon the smoke rises on the high platform. The entire high platform is shrouded in smoke. Although the human stone throwing machine also destroyed six orc stone throwing machines, the subsequent results are not much. Under the protection of the smoke, it was not very accurate. The stone thrower relied on luck to attack.

At this time, the tauren took the city crossbow and rushed to the high platform. In order to know the position clearly in the smoke, these tauren were well-trained.

Four powerful minotaurs can lift a city crossbow, and quickly bear the stone ball of the human stone throwing machine. Forty city crossbow has been erected, almost occupying the forefront of the high platform.

As the smoke spread, the knight commander above the wall of miracles saw the crossbow that flew at first glance, and he shouted, “Watch the crossbow, fight back!”

The timing of the crossbow arrows flying from the high platform was just right. It was just when the smoke had just dispersed and there was no preparation on the wall of miracles.

This round of forty crossbows caused damage to five city crossbows above the wall of miracles, two stone throwers were slightly damaged, and a dozen or so knights were injured.

In response to the orcs, countless crossbow arrows flew out, which directly caused hundreds of deaths in the tauren, and lost dozens of city crossbows.

There are still ten orc rock throwing machines intact, and a group of foxmen are repairing the damaged rock throwing machines. At this time, the orc rock throwing machines are in place, and they started to throw a boulder into the wall of miracles.

The accuracy of the rock throwing machine is like luck. Both sides need to use the rock throwing machine to destroy the opponent’s rock throwing machine. The stones used by the orc rock throwing machine have not been polished, although it has caused a stronger attack. But there is less sustained lethality.

At this time, the battle of the miracle wall is the most dangerous time. The Tauren disregard life and death. Once a Tauren dies in front, there will be a Tauren replenishment from the rear in time, and one of the city crossbow will be destroyed and there will be four immediately. The powerful tauren sent the new city crossbow to the stage.

Between the high platform and the wall of miracles, stones and stone **** fly, crossbow arrows are constantly staggered in the air, from time to time, knights fall, city crossbow is destroyed, the battle situation on the orc high platform is even worse, and the tauren forgot to die Protecting the rock thrower.

The long-range attack capability is weaker than humans, making the tauren a consumable on the platform. These most elite tauren use their lives to fight with well-equipped humans.

Just as the two sides attacked each other, a red fireball flew over the white tent in the center of the orc battlefield and exploded in the air.

Receiving the signal, tens of thousands of knights rushed out from both sides of the high platform, and they carried the ladder to the wall of miracles.

These Peak Knights are the by-products of countless Peak orcs, the best of which have become some private soldiers of high sacrifice, but most of them are Peak Knights that are not top-notch, but far beyond ordinary orcs.

These Pick Knights have now become the main force of the second batch of impact on the Wall of Miracles, and until this time, in addition to the orc sacrifices, the life of the sacrifice of 20 black robes consumed the defense magic power of the Wall of Miracles, and the most powerful spell-fighting battle on both sides. No force has been used.

And this second batch of Pick Knights is to test the limits of the human miracle wall defense. As long as the human wizard takes the shot, the orcs can know where the limits of those knight defenses are.

And human wizards have limited mana. In this kind of war, the spells cast are limited. Now for every additional spell, the attack power will be reduced in the face of the orc’s strongest impact.

The Peak Knight howled and rushed towards the Wall of Miracles, stepping on the corpse of his family. They had never been so close to the top of the Wall of Miracles, and they were the orcs closest to the top of the Wall of Miracles for thousands of years.

The ladder is made of bamboo, which is light and tough. The most important thing is that the orc empire produced this kind of bamboo, so this bamboo ladder is not valuable to the orcs, and it can be a consumable with Peak Knight.

“Attention, the orcs are siege, and bows and arrows fire!” The Knight commander shouted.

The arrows flew down from the wall of miracles, and Peak Knights continued to fall, but more Peak Knights rushed under the arrows to the wall of Miracles. They set the ladder on the cloud ladder and gave up their mounts to start climbing.

Every knight on the miracle wall is an official knight, and only needs to defend for two hours each time, so their fighting is not saved, especially at this time.

As the fighting spirit of the knights flashed, the firing speed of bows and arrows increased, and no Peak knight could climb to half and was shot and killed by arrows.

However, the Peak Knight continued to climb upwards. Due to the multiple probe downward attacks, the human knight also gave the attacking platform more opportunities to attack, which caused the human knight’s casualties to increase.

Hector and Manuel, two human archers, were tired at this time. Although they did n’t need to wind their arrows, they had to be carefully calculated every time they fired. Both of them were old. This kind of battle Too intense for them.

However, the giant war city crossbow controlled by the two archers is still playing a terrible attack. With each attack here, the city crossbow will be damaged on a high platform 250 meters away.

The orc crossbow caused them more damage than all other human crossbow combined, but now their feet on the trigger mechanism are shaking and their heads are covered with sweat.

The knight commander also saw the state of the two archers, but at this time he did not dare to order the two archers to rest, because there is no rotation of the archers on the human side. If there is no archer to suppress the opposite platform, then The crossbow was constantly replenished against the high platform opposite, and there was no limit to the damage on the wall of miracles.

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