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Amazing Doctor With Super Vision - Chapter 1138

“Brother, is there any way?” Seeing that Li Yong didn’t move, he seemed to even hold his breath, and Deng Hongli asked softly. Then I stared at Li Yong’s hand and watched Li Yong gently grab her arm and grab her arms out of the traces of blue and purple. She had a red-faced feeling, and her heart was dry and panic.

I don’t know why, there is a particularly wonderful feeling in the place that Li Yong grabbed.

Just like being kissed, it is like being touched, just like being treated with tenderness.

This feeling makes her body and mind refreshed, and she feels that her body is very light and floats in the air, just like a cloud.

She did not know that it was caused by the fluid. If Li Yong does not control the spirit, but allows the spirit to blend into her body at will, she will feel more comfortable. However, Li Yong will not be so wasted.

“…” Li Yong looked at Deng Hongli and ignored it. He continued to push the spirit liquid and walked along Deng’s meridians in one direction. He felt that the place where the spirits flowed, the internal strength must also flow.

Small black spots can’t block the spirit, and they can’t stop the formation of internal strength. These little black spots may not be the reason why Deng Hongli can’t cultivate. He has to find the real reason and then treat the disease.

Lingshui followed Deng Hongli’s right hand meridians, slowly flowing upwards, and when they flowed to the heart, they were suddenly blocked. Li Yong’s perspective power immediately stared at Deng Hongli’s heart and found that there was a large cluster of black spots, like the galaxies in the universe, which were dazzling and dazzling.

Li Yong looked in and found a **** spot in the middle of the little black spot.

Big black dots are like living things with life, and they constantly separate different small black spots. The small black spots that were separated were slowly and purposelessly fluttering in Deng Hongli’s meridians.

Li Yong instantly understood. It turns out that the little black spots in Deng Hongli’s body are all made by this **** spot.

Now, Deng Hongli’s meridians have not been completely blocked, but with the continuous separation of the **** spots, they are constantly making. When the concentration of small black spots reaches a certain level, Deng Hongli’s meridians will eventually be completely blocked.

“Have you ever felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and poor breathing?” Li Yong asked suddenly. When the heart is blocked, people tend to feel bored and have poor breathing.

“Yes, recently around 12 o’clock every night, it seems like this.” Deng Hongli said with a chest.

“Then why don’t you say it earlier?” If Deng Hongli said earlier, Li Yong would deliberately check her chest and find the reason. I haven’t wasted so much time, looking up a little bit.

“It’s just a pain every day, only a few seconds of pain, I thought it was okay.” Deng Hongli explained.

“You are sick, this is a kind of heart disease. I can see if I can cure you.” Li Yong said, and he suddenly tweeted ten drops of spirit liquid and suddenly rushed to the **** point.

Ten drops of spirit in the narrow veins of Deng Hongli, forming a frenzied frenzy, like a gust of wind, whistling past, the **** point has to be pulled up, the impact of the broken bones, disappeared.

Deng Hongli took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed and incomparably happy. She discovered that the recent sullenness was caused by heart disease.

“It’s so comfortable! I think, I have been ill for a few days, and now I am finally fine.” She chuckled.

Li Yong recovered the spiritual fluid and found that there was a small black spot. After losing the subject, he began to gradually shrink and disappeared. Then more little black spots are starting to get smaller and disappear.

Deng Hongli’s narrow meridians will eventually become unimpeded and suitable for cultivation.

On the shoulder of Deng Hongli, Li Yong smiled and said: “Okay, you can cultivate now.”

“Brother, thank you, I feel very comfortable now.” Deng Hongli wanted to dance and sing for Li Yong. She twisted her waist, just like showing her **** and charming figure, and then she could not help but hold Li Yong. The arm, pressed against her chest, without a trace, she bit her lip and said again: “It’s really comfortable.”

At this moment, she hopes that Li Yong will show a bad smile and make it worse for her graceful figure.

She felt that Li Yong’s other hand should be lifted up, put into her clothes and touch her.

However, Li Yong was caught in thinking, and did not find Deng Hongli’s veins and seduce. After a while, he suddenly looked up and asked in a serious way: “How can there be strange things in your body?”

“What?” Deng Hongli felt inexplicable, she did not find anything strange in her body.

After Li Yongyi asked, she looked at her again and found that she was wearing clean clothes and her shoes were clean. From the top, she was neat and sexy, and there was nothing strange.

There is also a pair of proud Su breasts, she thinks Li Yong should take a good look.

It is best to ignite inside the eyes, the expression is a little more evil, or open your mouth again.

However, nothing. Li Yong stood so stupid, unlike a pile without feelings.

“Brother, what are you talking about?” Deng Hongli couldn’t stand the sacred face of Li Yong. He raised his hand and grabbed Li Yong. He shook Li Yong’s arm and asked again, “What’s the matter with you?”

Li Yong suddenly approached Deng Hongli and took a deep breath at Deng Hongli’s neck. Then he closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He seemed to say something, but he finally silenced.

This made Deng Hongli somewhat uneasy. She ate green onions at noon. Is there a taste of green onions? She smelled her hand and found that she was very clean, not only without the smell of green onions, but also with a touch of soap.

How many beautiful tastes is this, how can I let Li Yong smell it, then frown and think about it?

Is this kind of taste that reminds Li Yong of the good old days and makes him sad?

Just as Deng Hongli stared at Li Yong’s eyes and closed his eyes, Li Yong suddenly opened his eyes and said with amazement: “It seems to have the smell of a ghost king. Last time I removed a ghost king, is it the ghost king? Resurrected, come back to take revenge? However, this is unlikely!”

“Ghost King? What a ghost king?” Deng Hongli was shocked and hurriedly let go of Li Yong and stepped back two steps. It seems that Li Yong has become a ghost king who eats people. She looks at Li Yong’s bright eyes and flies through the fear.

“Do you still remember Sima Bing? There is also the entire Sima family.” Li Yong asked while thinking.

Deng Hongli shook her head and nodded again. She had never seen Li Yong so serious. She felt very scary. She still stood outside Li Yong’s two steps and could not easily approach.

Li Yong remembered that the matter about the Sima family was a state secret. He never mentioned it to others. Even Han Han did not know that Deng Hongli would naturally not know.

Li Yong had to stop, and opened the perspective of the perspective, looking at the body of Han Xiao, Luo Qingmin, Huang Anhe, Tian Hailu and Liu Xiaoyue of the R&D department. He wanted to check every woman he had, whether he was done by the ghost king.

Those little black spots, with the smell of the ghost king, he felt that there must be a ghost king found here. If it wasn’t for the ghost king to be resurrected, there would be a new ghost king coming, or a revenge for the dead ghost king.

Ghost king. Because the average person can’t see and touch, so Li Yong is particularly worried.

If he is not there, if the ghost king kills his woman, he will not have time to save.

So, if you find it, you have to get rid of the danger. He wants to find these ghost kings and kill the ghost king.

Seeing that Li Yong was caught in the konjac, as if he had lost his soul, Deng Hongli became more and more afraid. She stepped back two more steps, and Li Yong protected the distance of more than two meters.

At this time, she no longer hopes that Li Yong’s appearance will touch her body. She only hopes that Li Yong will return to normal soon. Come back soon and smile quickly.

“Brave brother, brave brother.” She shouted softly and found that Li Yong did not respond, and suddenly she felt some heartache.

Biting the teeth, strong and courageous, and encouraging myself again; she finally walked toward Li Yong, clinging to Li Yong, shaking: “Brother, what are you doing? Don’t scare me! You are fine. !”

“I’m fine.” Li Yong blinked his eyes and smiled at Deng Hongli.

This made Deng Hongli feel excited in the heart, just like Li Yong came back to life, and couldn’t help but bite Li Yong: “Scared me, nothing is fine, nothing is fine.”

“Don’t bother me.” Li Yong pushed Deng Hongli away and continued to see through the distance.

He soon discovered that in addition to Han Wei, Tian Hairu and Huang Anhe, Luo Qingmin and Liu Xiaoyue also had a **** spot, and they were constantly making small black spots. In their meridians, there have been many small black spots, and the small black spots are still increasing. When the inner strength flows through the small black spots, it becomes slow and difficult.

This surprised Li Yong and realized that this was not an accident. He felt that this is most likely a ghost king, the hands and feet in their bodies. Because these little black spots, they all have the breath of the ghost king.

Gloomy and terrible atmosphere.

Next, Li Yong used the perspective of the perspective to look at the ordinary employees in the company and found that there were no black spots in the ordinary employees. This little black spot only existed in Luo Qingmin and Liu Xiaoyue.

Li Yong said goodbye to Deng Hongli. First, he went to Liu Xiaoyue. No matter whether Liu Xiaoyue was working or not, Liu Xiaoyue was a colleague. Li Yong directly grabbed Liu Xiaoyue’s right hand and kissed him first. This prompted the spirit to enter her body and go to The black spots in her body were removed.

This makes Liu Xiaoyue a little bit angry, very angry; but when I feel the comfort of the body, I can’t get are you doing? let me go? “Liu Xiaoyue wants to kick Li Yong, but he is reluctant to lift his legs.”

Her current strength is far more than before, she is worried that she will kick Li Yong.

Only to get rid of it, Li Yong let Liu Xiaoyue open, smiled and said: “I found that you are sick, I am helping you to cure the disease, and now he is cured, but I have to go to another person to treat, goodbye. ”

Liu Xiaoyue did not believe that he was sick. He said coldly to Li Yong’s back: “You are sick.”

However, the female employee around Liu Xiaoyue shouted to Li Yong: “General Li, give me treatment.”

“Take me a cure, I am sick.”

“I’m sick.”

“I am also sick. General Li, don’t go! Let us rule!”

This made Liu Xiaoyue shocked. He couldn’t think of Li Yong’s grasping his arms and publicly harassing him. He could also envy these people. Reading network

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