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Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard - v9 Chapter 1067

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In order to solve this hidden danger between Ryan and Faras, under Victor ’s suggestion, they now begin to move consciously apart, instead of converging souls and sharing strength as before, while returning to the Eslar continent During this quiet day, Ryan took the time to teach students outside and cultivate the successors of the entire force, while Farath concentrated on closed-door meditation and strived to condense his own realm. In order to minimize the impact of the equality contract, Ryan And Faras were wearing necklaces engraved with a magical barrier of “mind barrier”, so that once their husband and wife were far apart, their spiritual communication would be greatly weakened.

Ryan’s current actions do not mean to deny the benefits of the “equality contract”. After all, no one realized that there would be such a development later. After all, without this contract, Faras will always be stuck. There is no possibility to continue to increase the strength at the bottleneck that appears after inheriting the “Guardian of the Earth”. Of course, even if the equal contract is lifted now, it does not mean that Farass ’s strength will regress to the ordinary peak of the year. She has already stepped into the realm of the realm that even the original ** division Melen did not reach. The latter ’s elaborate “Earth Guardian” staff can no longer bind Farath,

“What kind of field law power will Fani get this time? I remember that she used to like water-based magic in the past. It is estimated that she should get the power of running water or the cold field.” The thought inexplicably came from Ryan’s mind. Immediately he shook his head gently, and left these things behind, and said to the students sitting next to him: “Okay, these things have nothing to do with today’s trial. I still comment on you guys The performance, Siasisi, you have taken the responsibility of the captain very well. In today’s several on-the-spot decisions … “

At the beginning, when Ryan took risks everywhere, he did n’t have a commander to squash and guide them. He relied on himself to understand between the adventures. At that time, Ryan also had to practice enchanting skills. He only hated the time every day. It’s very hard, but it is this kind of fulfilling adventure that can bring enough pressure to Ryan and his companions to spur them to run forward without fear of stopping.

Now the students of Siassi certainly do n’t need to repeat the painful experiences of Ryan when they were young, and Siassi, a female Naga, is naturally good at magic. Being a thief, instead of dragging her to increase the speed of strength, she let Greek Yassi’s unique laws of magic and thieves assassination skills combined with each other, and thus embarked on a path of its own. The Aphrodite of the Siren may be a little lacking in magical talent, but this race is very suitable for becoming an elector of gods. Evro’s talent in this respect is even ashamed of her mother, so when she chose Sirius as the protagonist, there were changes in a few months,

In contrast, Rich, as a human, is far inferior to her two schoolgirls in this respect, which is why Rich will choose the red robe mage under the direction of Ryan. The mediocrity of human talent is extremely extreme. The big restricts the speed of strength growth. If you do n’t try your own way, when Rich one day enters the legendary realm, I am afraid that Siasi and they have been in the realm for a long time. I do n’t know how many years. Casting ability as a price to enhance another part of the casting ability is quite similar to the situation where Ryan only used a few missiles, fireballs, mirrors and other magics. It has more magic options and inherits most of Ryan ’s experience. Odd, the starting point was naturally higher than Ryan did not know how much,

After some rest, Ryan greeted Siassi and they re-entered the spider’s den to clean the battlefield. This is the most important thing for adventurers to improve their strength. Although Siasi’s status, they will not put these The loot is in the heart, but it does not affect them to experience this process of collecting wealth in person. Besides, how can the things given by other people ’s hands be collected by themselves, which makes more sense,

The spider’s venom pouch should be very careful when it is peeled off. It is easy to break the outer wall of the venom sac with too much force. It will not be fun to kill yourself. After processing, it is an excellent material for weaving magic texture cloth; and the long legs of spiders are relatively long and covered with barbs. After being hardened, they can be made into spears, or they can be made into strange appearances. Arrow …

After all, Ryan had countless adventures and learned from Mother Hearst in a different world. At first, he had verified these collection methods one by one on the body of the ancient Black Dragon. The trick to collecting loot, of course, if you put the black widow poisonous spider in front of others, but no one dares to hunt, at least the dark elves dare not do this, even the ideal of the mind is a big deal. His behavior may be retaliated against by the spider goddess Rose at any time. This is a profound experience, but he also blessed by the disaster and saw the direction of the development of the law of time. Now he teaches his students deep in the den of the cursed swamp Dissecting the body of the spider, I did not have any thoughts of revenge on the goddess Rose,

By the time Ryan returned to the ground, the sky was gradually dimmed. Normally, it is not suitable for continuing to take risks at this time. However, if Ryan sits down, do n’t worry about the Warcraft sneak attack by the cursed swamp. Furthermore, Ryan hopes Being able to exercise these students ’night combat abilities, the pedestrian continued his journey and explored the area where the raging monitor lizard pointed to by Rich,

Since the legendary realm of the human face spider queen has become a high-level legendary level, and there are several legendary-level guards around, now they will no longer simply think that the group of violent dragons have not reached the legendary level, they are using After the starry night in the night sky recognized the direction, Ryan and his team quickly entered the active area of ​​the group of violent monitor lizards. Siassi ’s stealth effect was better at night, but the entire area was explored in tens of minutes Once again, while not disturbing any Warcraft, it also locked the location of this group of violent monitor lizards,

“The seven-headed legendary violent monitor lizard, more than thirty ordinary peak levels, damn, how did so many Warcraft survive here, how can there be so many creatures nearby for their consumption, if we come a few days later, it is estimated These guys will move to the outside of the swamp because of foraging. This kind of thing is not only in the underwater world. “Shia Sixi returned to the rest place and said to the other companions uncomfortably:” Also, Rich , The Cassano expedition you mentioned, they are so lucky, they do n’t even have a legendary strongman, but they can escape most of them under the siege of the seven-headed legendary rage lizard … “

“No.” Ryan said suddenly. “I remember when I cursed the swamp, the most powerful nature was the ancient Warcraft Hydra in the central lake of the swamp. In addition, I also encountered the face-like spider queen. One, but the strength is not as powerful as it is now. If these World of Warcraft are placed under our power at that time, it is impossible to have the opportunity to elicit that Hydra. I am afraid that these spiders, even if they have no chance to enter the central lake, Stop the monitor lizard. “

Listening to Ryan saying this, they also realized this problem, but their impression of the cursed swamp at that time was limited to the descriptions of the population of Ryan and Vivienne, unlike Ryan ’s once intuitive In the face, the latter will quickly find the changes in it intriguing. After all, it is only a few years away from the last adventure. If three or five years of work can breed so many legendary creatures, I am afraid of the nearby cards. Sano has long been overwhelmed by countless World of Warcraft pouring out of the swamp in search of food,

“Rapid mutation growth strength … Well, this situation seems very similar to the Misty Cave.” Ryan thought in his heart, and suddenly remembered something, cursing the changes here in the swamp, to say that those spiders and monitor lizards have changed after a long time. A little bit of enhancement, that is absolutely impossible, after all, Ryan has been here once a few years ago, and is familiar with the environment here, and for a long time in the past, Cassano will organize manpower into the cursed swamp Adventure, hunt Warcraft, and capture bipedal dragons. If these legendary creatures existed at that time, it is impossible not to be alarmed by Cassano ’s adventure team. Instead, Cassano ’s adventure was interrupted more than half a year ago. Counting the buffer period for a period of time, Ryan estimated that it should have happened about a year ago, which caused changes in this area.

“Ricky, you look for detailed records on the expedition team of the Cursed Swamp.” Thinking of this, Ryan said to Richie: “I want to record the adventures of last year, including who organized the adventure team, and have been to those. Area, what has been done, what has been gained. “

“Oh, okay.” Rich nodded and promised to start rummaging through the storage pockets. He was told by Ryan to ask Vivian before he set off. I only thought that Ryan was a little overkill, but I did n’t think I would use it now. About five or six minutes later, Rich took three pieces of information out of the storage pocket and said, “There were three such adventures last year. The time is last spring, autumn, and winter. “

Ryan knew that the curse swamp had a humid climate, and the summer rainy season was particularly noticeable, so Cassano would not organize an adventure at this time. He instructed Siassi that they said: “You should check each of the three, the key point is What special circumstances happened, I hope that the organizers at that time were careful enough to record all the experiences of the whole process in detail. “

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