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Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road - Chapter 835

Chapter 832: Inca Mausoleum In Amazon

Chapter 832 Amazon Inca Mausoleum

Lu Fei nodded, put on the shotgun, put a few unlocking rounds in the drum, and pulled the bolt.

The brothers backed away.

After the    boom boom boom boom, sparks scattered.

Without waiting for the brothers to ask questions, the heavy chain actually fell off by itself and smashed to the ground.

“The iron chain is already rotten, and I am startled, or I have to let Dewey try to open the lock.”

“Captain, the lock has long been rusted. The lock cylinder is rusted together in such a damp place. Otherwise, I would have volunteered a long time ago. This is a lot of money.”

“Stop beeping, open the door!” Fanny waved excitedly for everyone to do it.

“You are so reckless. You have died many times by robbing a tomb by yourself. It is difficult to estimate what the world will be like behind the door, but there is a very high probability that a danger will occur, that is, the air is not ventilated, and even the space behind the door will There are toxic gases.

So, everyone put on gas masks, everyone was on the side, and Ida and Fanny were ready to shoot in case some horrible, disgusting animal burst out. ”

Lu Fei instructed everyone to take precautions, while Bell arranged for the brothers to stand three on each side of the two stone gates.

After everyone put on gas masks and made all preparations, Bell gave a shout, and the six of them exerted their strength at the same time.

Under the strong push of the brothers, Shimen slowly retreated inward. After more than ten seconds, the sound of Didi rang sharply on Lu Fei’s waist, and the poisonous gas detector began to alarm.

Lu Fei waved everyone to the side, not to fight in the middle of the gate.

After a long time, the alarm sound stopped.

After the air circulates, the air that has been stagnant for decades dissipates.

Bell waved, Dewey and Lu Fei holding guns in front, the brothers walked into the stone gate step by step as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As the beams of the headlights swayed, the scene emerged little by little in the empty hall of more than 100 square meters.

Everyone was still vigilant around, Lu Fei used a lighter to ignite the bronze torch inserted on the right wall. As soon as the fire lit up, Lu Fei pulled out the torch, turned around, and lit all the torches by the wall.

The roaring fire lit up the hall, and the brothers could see the whole picture at once.

There is a large coffin in the middle of the hall. There are twenty or thirty wooden boxes under the walls on both sides. There are some gray clay pots and some rotten wooden objects in the four corners. It is impossible to see what the original objects are.

And there are three small concave platforms on each side of the wall, on which sit a mummy!

Seeing that Webster and Dewey were eager to touch the huge coffin, Lu Fei raised his hand to stop them.

beckoned the brothers over, and each handed out a pair of canvas gloves.

“Don’t raise the coffin to make a fortune, Fanny and I will check the mummy sitting, and the others will open the box to see, we must not be in a hurry from the outside to the inside, in case something wakes up, it will be too late to cry. ”

The brothers have responded one by one, and the risk of moving the things put down by the Eagle Party first should be less.

“Jack, is there really a ghost of a king roaming here?” Fanny said softly and cautiously.

seems to be afraid to wake up the indigenous souls here.

“This is not the ancient Chinese tomb in the ghost blowing lantern. Even if the dead ghosts are there, they have already dealt with the Eagle Party who entered. Look, those boxes have swastikas on the outside.”

“Then I can rest assured. I don’t quite understand ghosts blowing lanterns. You can tell me later, digging ancient tombs is very exciting.”

“It’s okay to dig the ancient tombs of Westerners. When you go to Huaxia, you are going to give away people’s heads. Do you want to step on a sewing machine? It’s the kind of ten or twenty years after you step on it.”

“Forget it, I’m not good at manual work, harmony, democracy, prosperity, I understand.”

“This is not the end, help me fix this mummy, I’ll cut it open and see.”

Fanny shrugged and grabbed the mummy sitting cross-legged lightly.

Lu Fei had already scanned the body of the second mummy and found it was wrapped in a golden compass!

In order to make a full play, he first found the first one to do it.

With a click, Lu Fei used scissors to cut open the rotten shroud of the mummy. A small skeleton slowly revealed its true body, and there was even long withered hair wrapped in it.

Fanny glanced at it and turned her head away, her heart pounding.

“Poor, this is a young girl in bloom. She was drugged and her internal organs were removed and sealed in a mummy. The ignorant and evil king, would you like to observe it again? Otherwise, I will seal it up.”

“Wow, I really don’t understand a medical dog like you. You will be very excited when you see a mummy. I have no interest in you for at least a day. It’s too perverted, so close it quickly.”

Lu Fei shrugged: “Who doesn’t have a hobby yet, isn’t it strange that you like to collect shiny jewelry? Essentially they are all a pile of stones and metals.”

Fanny quarreled with him lazily, and the two quickly cut open the second mummy.

“Hey, isn’t this the golden compass you were looking for, you really found it by fooling around.” Fanny took out the golden compass from the belly of the slightly larger mummy and handed it to Lu Fei.

Taking over the triangular golden compass, Lu Fei raised his head and looked at it with a dignified expression.

“Jack, Fanny, come and see what we found!” Ada shouted excitedly.

Hearing Ada’s voice, Fanny knew it was made.

Fenella Landing ran over quickly, golden light flashing in her eyes.

“I’m here, is it gold?”

As the two approached, they saw that a dozen wooden boxes had been opened on the right wall, most of which were gun-oiled weapons, machine guns, submachine guns, and even iron fists (anti-tank rocket launchers).

And the brothers looked down at a few boxes around the corner.

Fanny pushed aside the crowd and looked down excitedly.

Two boxes of gems lay on the ground, emitting a charming light.

A box of green emeralds, a box of gems of various colors, including amethyst, diamond, tourmaline, complement each other, these gems are piled up randomly, like a pile of glass products.

are all kinds of high-grade gemstones from South America.

The brothers looked at these “stones” in dazzling eyes, and couldn’t take their eyes off them.

“Cough, okay, let’s all bring the dust bags prepared for the treasures in advance, divide them evenly, and then go out. Take the time to open the box on the left wall, and finally open the coffin.” Bell woke up. God, commanded loudly.

Everyone came to their senses. Under Raphael’s command, they installed different gems. They quickly divided the two boxes of gems, and then moved to the other side.

With the spiritual blessing of the jewelry harvest, the brothers went to unpack the box with great enthusiasm. No one even asked about the golden compass in Lu Fei’s hand. Only Bell patted Lu Fei’s shoulder when he passed by, indicating that he knew.

Lu Fei reluctantly put down the golden compass and went to work.

The blind box on the other side was also quickly opened, and two boxes of gold appeared, inside which were gold bricks marked with swastikas. Each box of ten large gold bricks looks heavy.

Raphael grabbed a weight and put it down with difficulty.

“Each gold brick is 25 kilograms, here are 20, half a ton.”

“Well, two yuan per person, the extra Jack, Vasily, me and Webster are loaded. Let’s open the coffin. If we have nothing, we will withdraw it, and there will be many dreams at night.”

The brothers who had their bags sunk to their buttocks gathered around.

Everyone put on gas masks again and stood in four corners.

Vasily took the crowbar found next to the ammunition box, looked at everyone, and received encouraging (send you to death) gazes, he did not hesitate to insert the crowbar into the coffin crack and pry it hard.

With the sound of    squeaking, the coffin board gradually lost its hold.

The thick coffin board was quickly picked up and pushed aside a little bit. The brothers pushed and held it together. A minute later, the coffin board was unloaded and placed on the side of the coffin.

The voice of   Di Di Di rang again, this time the brothers stepped back immediately without Lu Fei’s reminder.

The poisonous gas came out of the coffin.

After waiting for two minutes, Lu Fei walked forward with the probe in hand.

“It’s all right, the poisonous gas has dissipated, this is the old stuffy gas that has been hidden for decades.”

“Take off your gas mask, come here.”

Bell waved to say hello, and the brothers hurrahed around.

Eight faces were suddenly turned yellow by the golden light shining from the coffin.

A skeleton, dressed in rotten and torn fabric, with a gold mask on its face, lies in a coffin. There is a golden crown next to the head, and a golden scepter and a golden book on the right side of the body.

The two skeletons on the stomach are holding something in their hands.

is another triangular golden compass!

Lu Fei took the golden triangle from the skeleton’s hand with his gloved right hand, and took a closer look in front of him.

is the same thing, all golden triangles with strange lines.

Lu Fei was still contemplating, Bell said softly: “Jack, study slowly, everyone has collected all the gold products. These things are antiques and are more valuable than gold, so be sure to keep them well.”

The brothers reached into the coffin in high spirits and took the gold products, and they cleared the coffin in a moment.

Dewey discovered the mechanism of the golden scepter and shortened it into a short stick. It’s like Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel, but it can’t hit people.

The golden mask was taken off by Ada, and below is a man’s face with a leather bag and a skull.

Fanny is flipping through books, golden books, “books” full of graphics.

looks like an ancient comic book, but the content is really incomprehensible.

Lu Fei sat on the stone in front of the coffin, five golden triangular compasses on his backpack, and fiddled with it with a gloomy face.

Although the golden triangles are closely attached to each other, there is no mechanical hook. Although there are graphics on the front that can be connected in series, because the last piece is missing, it is impossible to see what it is.

After fiddling with it for a while, I checked the front and back of each triangle, but I still couldn’t find the secret of the golden compass.

The excited wild fox brothers quickly gathered around and gave their ideas in a hurry.

Some people say that it can be stacked high, some say that this figure looks like a nebula in the sky, and even Fanny said that it can be opened to see if there are any secrets in it, all of which are unreliable.

“Don’t talk nonsense, there is an arc at the end of each triangle. Jack spelled it right. Now the “cake” is only one piece away. As for what secrets are in the complete golden “cake”, we must get it all together. Only then will you know.”

“No, someone is coming!” Dewey, who was on the side of the gate, suddenly shouted.

The brothers reacted very quickly. Except for Lu Fei who was standing in front of the coffin holding two pistols, the brothers were all scattered in the wooden boxes on both sides of the hall, and their HKM27s were all aimed at the door.

“This gentleman is right, the last remaining golden triangle is in my hands, do you want it?”

A middle-aged blond man came up from the steps outside the door.

(end of this chapter)

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