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Fast Wear and Blackening: A Sickly Male God, Sweet and Exploded - Chapter 2069

Chapter 2069 Crazy krypton gold queen cub came to me

It must have been that day when she asked Ran Mu for trouble. Ran Mu sought Lian Zong afterwards and said bad things about her, and then Lian Zong would buy their company and let people hide her regardless of the loss!

It turned out that the **** Ran Muxun had hooked up with President Lian a long time ago and retaliated against her like this!

Li Mengmeng was angry and regretful. Knowing that Ran Muxun always had a leg with Lian, she wouldn’t bother her…

Or, she should find someone to seduce Lian Muxun when Ran Muxun is away. After getting Lian Zong’s favor, she should squeeze out Ran Muxun! At that time, it should be her revenge on Ran Muxun!

Li Mengmeng tried his best to meet President Lian, but couldn’t even enter the door of Muxun Group.

She really couldn’t figure out how Lian always got involved with Ran Muxun. There was nothing before. If there is, can Ran Muxun still need to be a little internet celebrity? However, why is the Muxun Group of General Lian called the Muxun Group? Did he like Ran Muxun a long time ago, so he gave him the name of the group he founded?

No, the time is not right. When President Lian founded the Muxun Group, Ran Muxun had nothing to do with him.

Then, it was Ran Mu who deliberately changed the name of this scheming bitch, in order to attract Mr. Lian’s attention!

Unexpectedly, she actually made her succeed!

Li Mengmeng is so jealous, but can’t do anything.

Hidden by the snow, she couldn’t take any jobs that she liked, so she could only sit and eat. In order to maintain a luxurious life, she even had to serve as a middle-aged man with a beer belly that she hadn’t liked before. In the hospital, she was late for a month. She wanted to see if she was pregnant. If she was pregnant, she might be able to take the position…

But she didn’t expect that she was not pregnant, but she hadn’t eaten properly to lose weight recently, and her menstruation was late.

Li Mengmeng was extremely disappointed.

Even more unexpectedly, she saw Ran Muxun as soon as she came out of the obstetrics and gynecology department!

Why did Ran Muxun appear in the obstetrics and gynecology department? ! Is it possible that she is pregnant? !

Li Yue beside her has been supporting her, and Ran Muxun is also supporting her waist, looking like she is pregnant, Li Mengmeng’s eyes suddenly become red.

She could only look forward to the child of an uncle beer belly, but failed, but Ran Muxun was pregnant with the young and handsome Lian Zong’s child. Lian Zong still spoils her so much, maybe Ran Mu Xun is really a mother. Zigui, successfully became the president’s wife of Muxun Group!

With the old resentment hidden in the snow and the extreme psychological imbalance, Li Mengmeng’s head became hot, and she pushed Ran Muxun on impulse!

She didn’t want to kill Ran Muxun, she just wanted Ran Muxun to have a miscarriage, so that she wouldn’t be able to become the president’s wife on the basis of her son…

Knowing the causes and consequences of Li Mengmeng’s doing this, Ran Muxun wanted to laugh, and wanted to kill Li Mengmeng.

Did she know that she made her almost never see Nangong Jin? !

Yes, almost.

Ran Muxun had already seen Nangong Jin, although he had only seen it from a distance.

When I went to Shanhai Company that day, a dozen programmers, regardless of their work, even worked hard to help her restore a small game on her phone, which is really strange.

So, she paid attention to her surroundings, and suddenly saw a document on the desk with a line of small print in the lower right corner…

“Muxun Group?”

“Yes, speaking of it, Miss Ran is also very related to our group! The inspiration for the design of our design department comes from you, and your name is exactly the same as the name of our group!”

The staff nearby smiled. Quick-wearing blackening: a sickly male god, sweetly bombed the latest chapter address: https://www. . com/book/113768.htmlQuick-wearing blackening: a sickly male god, sweetly blows up the full text Reading address: https :// /read/113768/Quick-wearing melanization: the sick and the male god, sweet and fried Txt download address: https:// /down/113768.htmlQuick wear blackening: A sickly male god, sweetly blow up his phone to read: https://m. /read/113768/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the “Favorites” below to record this time (Chapter 2069 Crazy Krypton Queen Came to Me 75) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like “Quickly Wearing Blackening: The Sick and Young Man, Sweet and Blow”, please ask your friends (QQ, blog , WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! ( )

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