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Furious Combo - Chapter 313

Chapter 313: Task Crystallization

“You guys, come here!” An infantryman beckoned behind the tank and shouted loudly.

Jiang Yan frowned. It was the other party who lost the cover behind him. He took a fancy to his jeep and the light machine gun in the jeep. But killing this tank car was a bit too.

To eliminate zombies and save the earth, these soldiers are also necessary forces. You can’t be transformed into a million, you can only clean up one by one. Otherwise, how could you sell it to the US to accelerate the armor?

“You guys, come all!” No matter how many black chains, Jiang Yan hesitated, he knew that Jiang Yan did not want to go to the back of the house. So his machine gun was raised, and he didn’t feel nervous at all. Even if there is a mén cannon on the tank, the muzzle is being turned.

The five soldiers looked at each other. The soldiers on the tank didn’t dare to actually fire the guns. Not many shells. If they were used up, how long would the machine guns on the tank last?

When one shot went down, hundreds of zombies were blown up. If they were swept with a machine gun, the effect would not work.

“Waste.” The black chain spit out, but because it was a zombie, there was no saliva, and there was a dry cough. He is not venting, these soldiers, since they have already made a full stance, want Jiang Yan’s three cars to accept their orders, and after being rejected, a tank, dare not show power to a jeep.

Even if you scare two more words, the black chain will not say these two words.

“It’s needless to say that these advanced cities are not the jīng sharp troops, or the new recruits who have been training for several months, and they don’t understand.” Yu Nan said in the position of the co-pilot.

A soldier walked up hesitantly. When the black chain saw Jiang Yan still didn’t speak, he asked him to come forward and shouted, “What about you, sir?”

“The team is gone, the sir is dead …” There was a trace of fear in the soldier’s eyes. The enemy is not a person, he does not think this battle can be won.

“Is there no supply for the logistics forces!”

“The armored vehicle that sent the bomb was trapped inside.” The soldier pointed to the distance, and the sound of the gun was ringing.

“Are there any companions around?”

“There is another church over there … there should be ten more people,” the soldier said.

“Go to the church to save people, and then save the armored car, how many bombs are there on you?”

“Not much, only a single shot.”

“Okay, follow us. The tank car doesn’t need to be in front, don’t use the gun, go to the side, meet the zombie, just press it.” The black chain said, glancing at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan started the car and drove in the direction of the church.

The explosion of shells here has alarmed a large number of zombies and is coming in this direction. The machine gun of the black chain, at a distance of 500 meters, slowly began to clean up the zombies.

This level of biochemical zombies is too fragile for contractors. Within ten minutes, the gypsy, the tank, and the five infantrymen killed the church.

After clearing the mén in front of the church, the tank car turned and greeted the soldiers who were dead inside.

The morale of the American soldiers did not collapse because the enemy never accepted the captives. Not to mention being caught, being touched, and scratching the blood skin, it’s all terrible. Who wants to become a zombie? Without a retreat, these soldiers will be able to fight to the end. Some people will leave a bullet for themselves, and some people will even leave the bullets and commit suicide with a knife.

Jiang Yan led people out of the church and distributed the bullets on the car. This was replaced by Jiang Yan from the army and kept in the contractor’s space.

Without these bullets, he stabbed through them one by one, not knowing when to kill.

Fortunately, these biochemical zombies don’t have a semi-data body, no concept of life value, and even a iron rod can be killed by knocking on the head.

Jiang Yan suddenly realized a problem. What would happen if all the life on the earth began to become semi-data-based?

He couldn’t think of it, because he didn’t know what the final rule of the space was, and he could only take advantage of the zombie virus’s outbreak to kill the zombies in front of him.

Anna is in the country, should she control the squad?

Jiang Yan thought that Anna was in China and wanted to control a team of security companies, but did not know that Anna was going to eat a fat guy and take down a base.

The tank car was controlled, and the first soldiers willingly accepted Jiang Yan’s leadership. With this tank, Jiang Yan has the capital to command. Several boxes of ammunition were moved to the tank. The shells were not replenished, and the machine gun was still acceptable.

Gradually, this team expanded to more than 40 people, rushed into a surrounded store, the store is large, jammed with an armored transport vehicle, and the car was loaded with yào boxes.

Jiang Yan found that the benefits of becoming the leader of this army are not small, as long as he kills a biochemical zombie, he can get 2 to 4 survival points.

If you let him do it himself and use the space purchased bullets, it will definitely outweigh the gains. Fortunately, if he killed the zombies himself, there were still more than 10 survival points.

Suzaku’s battle pattern and battle flag are still increasing his income. This is a team mission, and all battles under his control are team behaviors. As the captain, the additional 40% of the income now does not need to be distributed to others, only Yu Nan can get 5%.

After looking at his house, Jiang Yan planned to go it alone and no longer help these US soldiers, but now find ways to contact the lost troops, command the troops, and engage in large-scale battles.

He suddenly thought that those contractors who controlled the US Congress should also benefit?

In this way, it’s still a small part of what I earn, and Anna is the big one. It’s just that if you don’t come to the United States yourself, you won’t be reconciled if you look at it with your own eyes. After killing these zombies, Jiang Yan planned to go to the cemetery once to see his grave, as well as his sister’s and mother’s.

A glance, no longer concerned. I went back to China by myself, and with Anna, I never came back.

It seems that life on earth is a dream, not an American dream, but a daydream. When the dream wakes up, it’s time to start.

“Captain, over there!”

Yu Nan shouted, and Jiang Yan saw that on the spacious highway, the viaduct in front of him walked down a yellow tiger. The tiger’s body does not have the rotted skin of ordinary zombies, and his eyes are not blood red, but brown, with a hint of red.

Damn, the zoo stuff is out!

A soldier yelled, and the tiger opened his mouth and growled without warning. In addition to Jiang Yan and the three men, even the American soldiers in the tank were frightened by the roaring sound and were unable to make any effort.

The tiger leaped from the viaduct, and the gust of wind turned into a yellow light and rushed over.

Not enough to sting, Jiang Yan thought. The strength of this thing is also c-level, and the health value is about 80,000. It’s still easy to kill.

The machine gun of the black chain fired, and the tiger was suddenly hit and rolled backwards. The bullet did not break the defense, and the strong impact force made the tiger unable to enter.

“Stop the fire.” Jiang Yan said aloud, and took out the two months in his hand.


The next quarter of the moon directly poured into the tiger’s forehead, the tiger fell to the ground and died.

Jiang Yanyi is happy. The defensive power of this thing is already comparable to that of creatures in infinite space, but the length of life is a bit high.

Can a flying knife do 2,000 damage? It must have been exceeded, plus the damage caused by sharpness, this flying knife, the damage of the defense is almost four or five thousand.

However, even a critical strike, a critical attack, and a fatal damage cannot kill 80,000 hit points. The creatures on the earth are still following the original rules. The brain is broken and they die directly.

As soon as the tiger died, Jiang Yan completely lost interest. This creature, which is almost C-class in strength, only brought itself 1,000 points of survival income. There is no yellow metal at half a point, and one is usually at a point, Jiang Yan is not too concerned about it.

For Jiang Yan, if the battle gains too little, then he will not feel any excitement.

After the menacing guy died, Jiang Yan was very disappointed, but received a space prompt and obtained a task crystallization.

Kill high-level variants of the Earth to get mission crystallization. The mission crystal is divided into 7 levels, from 1 to 7, which can be used to exchange special equipment, skill books, and even some special materials in the space.

The currently obtained task crystal is level 3, Jiang Yan read this prompt, and then went back to check the warehouse and found that he already had a lot of level 1 crystals. 100 crystals of grade 1 are exchanged for one crystal of grade 2, and the ratio is 100 to 1 from bottom to top. That is to say, this crystal of grade 3 is equivalent to 10,000 crystals of grade 1.

Mission crystals cannot be exchanged for survival points, and mission crystals above level 5 can be exchanged for xìng points. This crystal is only available on Earth!

Jiang Yan was convinced that this thing was newly created, and the space did not know how to deal with the city of miracles, and made a reward for trial. If this thing can be exchanged for more advanced equipment, and the fairness of the exchange is satisfactory to the contractor, no matter how many zombies there are on this earth, they will be killed.

The contractor will spare no effort!

But in this way, there will be very bad consequences. Will some people who have not saved enough crystals intentionally make the earth húnluàn and let more people become zombies?

Jiang Yan felt that he suddenly had a new impetus. Regardless of whether the design of the space was a problem, it was a huge opportunity for him. I didn’t come early, but my strength is definitely not weak. The speed of killing ordinary zombies is not fast, but the speed of killing advanced biochemical zombies is definitely not weaker than others.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan was so excited that he commanded this army and killed him in the center of the city.

There were also many zombies behind him. These soldiers, following Jiang Yan, finally had a backbone, and forgot to check the map long ago. It will not take long for such an inward attack, and they will fall into a siege ~ ~ Jiang Jiang collects the bombs of the soldiers who died in battle along the way, and the advance speed is not fast. It took more than an hour for Jiang Yan to take the team to a hospital.

This hospital, I don’t know why, there are almost no windows on the first floor, only one positive mén and one rear mén, plus two fire escapes. Jiang Yan arranged for the soldiers to enter, let the tank car drive up the stairs, and blocked Zheng Mén.

Jiang Yan called for soldiers, and the highest-ranking soldier was only a sergeant.

“Sergeant, stay here, I will go out and find you a bomb. The terrain here can be guarded by reinforcements.”

“Sir …” This sergeant had strong fear in his eyes, for fear that Jiang Yan would leave them behind. Jiang Yan’s battle scenes along the way shocked them. Within a few hundred meters, without any equipment aiming, a headshot was almost never missed.

“Oath in the name of God, I will definitely come back.” Jiang Yan smiled and patted the sergeant’s shoulder, sneering in his heart. If God exists, why not save my family?

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