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How the Villain Lives - Chapter 36


5. You have the wrong person.

His vision changed and Sung-hoon sighed in contemplation. Chaplin, who was nearby, approached me and asked me what was going on, but I looked around appropriately. The mission had already begun anyway and there was no way to reverse it.

“Hey, what are you doing? Now that the Merchants are about to depart, everyone get ready!”

At the words of a middle-aged man whose belly appeared to be the representative of the Merchant Corps, Chaplin began to speak as a representative.

“I see. But as you can see, there are a few of us…”

“I’m watching, too. I want to get in the wagon, but there are too many people. What are your numbers?”


“Divide it in half. Half of them will walk in the wagon and half will not move.”

“You’ve all heard! I’ll change the people on the wagon every day and the people on foot, so you better get some rest first!”

From the beginning, the proportion of people who want to go comfortably and those who want to struggle first was about half as high.

“Let’s all go then. Enter 3 per wagon. evenly on the wagon on the front and rear right.”

Upper order fell and people began to move each other. It was Chaplin who clubbed together and controlled the people who were entering the wagon or moving freely. As she became fully familiar with the Merchant Escort Mission, she began to divide the occupational family appropriately, erasing people’s mates and distributing them appropriately.

“Where are you going, Sung-hoon?”

“Deploy to the rear.”

“Great. There are no monsters in the beginning anyway. If monsters come out instead, please be sure to play that much.”

“… or not.”

“How come you don’t seem to have the strength to speak?”

“… I feel sorry for you.”

“Sung-hoon. What happened all of a sudden?”

Halfway out, Eli grabbed it and waved it like a leaf. And it was the voice of the masked person who approached him.

“It’s been a long time.”


“Can’t you hear me?”

“Sung-hoon, who’s calling you?”

“G. Ram. Good. I can’t. Bo. Yes. Mop. You. C.”


Eli grabbed his stomach and laughed in a loud voice, without any programming, but the woman who pressed on the hood didn’t seem funny.

“Are you going to fight me now?

“No! No way!”

“I think we’re ready to talk now. Then let’s fight.”

“… I don’t have a choice?”

I thought the opponent was confident that Sung-hoon would not be pushed. It was the same for Kang Han, one of the top rankers. However, it could not be done only for the woman in front of her eyes. It’s not like she’s talking.

A top ranker that matches the name of a one-man squad.

Mirina was her identity.

Although she had a terrifying title for Mage, it wasn’t like she was a non-mannered or murdering person. But she was so strong. And one more characteristic…

“It’s an option. Fight me or die.”

“I don’t usually call that an option.”

I was obsessed with myself.

Of course, it was not a romantic feeling that arose between men and women. Mirina’s feelings for Sung-hoon were, in a word, a battle insult. The first encounter with her was the second day in The Mission. The woman who had a hard time and a hard time. At first I thought I’d just pass by like that, but apparently that wasn’t it.

I heard what I wanted to lose to myself, and I did the same thing by my side. Like any competition. In the process, Sung-hoon realized that Mirina was absolutely ridiculous and fraudulent. Using all kinds of means, such as poison, traps, magic, and ambush, the mission was carried out with only two swords, resulting in inferior speed to Mirina and hunting.

If you divide the two people at the mission’s success rate, the victory was about 6: 4.

The mission of capturing living creatures that can catch various kinds of things, such as Orcs, Goblins, and Rats, is won by Sung-hoon, and the opponent who can’t catch zombies or Golems wins by Mirina.

Such a strange confrontation has been going on for about a month, but Mirinah said, blocking the front of the trumpet.

“Let’s just fight once.”


“Didn’t you hear? Let’s fight.”

“No. I heard it very well.”

“Then we go.”

“Sleep, kaaaaaaah!”

It seemed that Miri was mistaken for an enormous force. Since she barely escaped, Sung-hoon began to avoid her as much as possible. Maybe I should have asked Young-gi for her information to keep her from confronting Mirina! And I was able to avoid Myrina in return for that effort.

Not until just now.

When I took off the hood, the miraculous appearance that was revealed was a little cute when I weighed each one. However, sharp eyes, firm lips, a small body and a firm looking body, as well as the overwhelming energy surrounding her, made her stand out.

More eye-catching than Eli could say she was pretty.

“It’s good to see you like this. I wanted to fight one way or another before the mission in full time.”

“Miss Myrina, I’ll just do what I’ve done. Can you please just stop?”

Sung-hoon thought and said it was a good solution in his own way, but not at all for Mirina.

“You admit defeat without a fight? Can I take that as an insult to me?”

“No! I admire Miss Miriam more than anyone! You can see I’m weaker than you think! If you stick with Miss Mirina, I’ll be dead in no time!”

“I don’t know why you hate fighting so much. You don’t want to fight me until you cut yourself off?”

“No, I’m really weak.”

Sung-hoon’s words contained a really dark appeal. I was desperate to look after myself despite the ugliness of humbling myself. However, no eggs were eaten by Mirina.

If he had conceded a hundred times, he would have withdrawn from this place if he had never known Sung-hoon at all. However, Sung-hoon is a strong person who has completed the mission at a much faster pace than himself since the beginning of the year. Even if there’s solid evidence like that, I can’t help it!

“Lies don’t work. Now pull out your sword!”

“It’s true! This woman, she lived deceitfully, believe me!”

“I’d rather believe the sun is rising from the west.”

“Ha, I’m really going to turn around.”

If Sung-hoon tries to persuade Mirina by presenting direct evidence without just looking around in words, there will be no such misunderstanding. However, in order to do so, he must exhaust all his abilities.

Naturally, his life was not dangerous, and he was forced to misunderstand and pursue Sung-hoon because he could not disclose his abilities.

It was a vicious cycle.

“Excuse me.”

“What is it?”

“As we fight, the Merchants are getting further and further away, can we talk while we go?”

Ellie quietly raises her hand and points to the merchant who moves quite far away. The three people who stared at each other for a moment kept their mouths shut and began to run towards the merchant.

“Sung-hoon. Who’s that guy?”

“You’ve heard of it. Give me the sword.”

“Magic Sword Mirina? Are you talking about that top-ranker Miriami?”


At the end of Seonghun’s words, Eli ran straight to Mirina. And shortly afterwards, I returned to a sincere appearance.

“What’s wrong?”

“I asked him to sign, but he was refused.”

“He’s a bit of an original personality. You look fine to me, don’t you? But if it turns out, you’re just sick of fighting. I don’t think people around me are tired…”

“I hear it all.”

“… Just know that.”

Eli laughed at the village theater again, but Sung-hoon was desperate. Strong enough to be counted among tens of thousands of users, a ‘real’ powerful being, unlike himself, suggests that he should stick around and fight day and night.

At least if there was common sense (of course, if there was real common sense, I wouldn’t stalk you to fight), but I didn’t attack, but I felt like the lifespan of Sung-hoon was decreasing by the day. For example, does it feel like animals like tigers or bears are always around you?

Moreover, the tiger sees his prey as being of equal strength to himself and is only looking for opportunities to fight Hoshitamtam.

‘You’ll be dead for ten days.’

During the ten days of the mission, Myrina was separated from the fish and had a headache.

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