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I Don’t Want to Win Lying Down - Chapter 719

Chapter 705 Disagree with this plan! (Two/three)

Xu Mang’s proposal was accepted, but for safety reasons, Xu Mang was asked to personally send the plan to the space agency and persuade everyone at that time. It can be said that the pressure is not small. Once someone puts forward other opinions, it may be the plan. To be shattered.


“Life!” Xu Mang sighed, and stood by the window with a light sigh: “Always so helpless.”

How can we solve the sky crane? How can we solve the self-help procedure?

so annoying!


“Open the door quickly!”


A grumpy voice came from outside the door. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was Yang Xiaoman, a violent man. He glanced at the time to eat, and hurriedly came to the door to open the door, and then saw Xiaoman carrying two bags on his face. With a trace of anger.

“Why don’t you close the door properly?” Yang Xiaoman took out various lunch boxes from the bag, and complained to Xu Mang: “Why don’t you help me in the morning?”

“It helped.”

“It turned out to be unhelpful.” Xu Mang smiled awkwardly: “What about… I might be returning to the capital soon.”


Hearing that Xu Mang was leaving, Yang Xiaoman was very reluctant. There was not a day of staying together. As a result, he was about to leave again soon. For a while, sad emotions entangled Yang Xiaoman’s heart.


“It looks like you are quite disappointed.” Xu Mang glanced at Xiaoman and said with a smile: “I will try to get it done as quickly as possible, and won’t let you wait too long, uh…give me a week, OK? ? I will get everything done in one week.”

A week…

Can afford to wait!

Compared to half a year, this week is no.

Yang Xiaoman nodded. Although he was very happy in his heart, he didn’t express it on his face, but once again to explain one thing, this guy eats soft or hard.


“When will you receive the certificate next year?” Yang Xiaoman asked.

“It’s all you need to be one year old.” Xu Mang said absently while eating, “Isn’t it just a certificate… Is it so important? Even without a certificate… We sleep together every night. .”


“You don’t understand!” Yang Xiaoman said angrily: “The marriage certificate represents the responsibility of the two, especially you bastard. Anyway, I ask you to bring the marriage certificate with you in the future. I made a little sister by my side, and you gave my old lady and I left the marriage certificate on the table.”

Xu Mang:? ? ?

Damn it!

This woman is too sinister!

When going out to socialize, it’s just about acting every time, this marriage certificate is left on the table…how else to do things?


“Xiaoman… don’t make trouble!” Xu Mang said embarrassingly, “How can anyone go out to socialize with a marriage certificate? You are just joking. If I ask someone to do something, it’s easy to mess things up. Now, what this society is like, you should know better than me. When everyone is happy together, things will be done naturally.”


“Everyone begged us, how can we go to others?” Yang Xiaoman said with a disdain: “My mother, I have mastered all the technologies of photoresist materials, perovskite material films and flexible materials, and have successfully monopolized. The whole world, why should I beg others?”

“You are so smart, are you going to beg others?” Yang Xiaoman said disapprovingly: “You just don’t love me… if you love me, put your marriage certificate on you.”

“Good good…”

“You love the head office, right? Put it on your body, right?” Xu Mang said helplessly: “Xiao Man…you have started to use this kind of routine. You always love you or not. You used to be innocent. , How come you have become fried dough sticks now?”

The topic is here,

Yang Xiaoman’s fire in his stomach has no place to vent, indeed… I used to be an innocent and romantic beautiful girl, but after only less than two years, I became an old girl who was deeply poisoned by routines, unable to imagine myself. How did you survive this road.


“Mother, what evil did I do in my last life? How could I meet you?” Yang Xiaoman stared at Xu Mang angrily: “Am I blind at the time?”

“Hey hey!”

“I don’t think it’s good for you to be blind. You are still picky.” Xu Mang curled his lips and said indifferently: “You want height without height, if there is no here, if there is no there, I will look again. Look at me… don’t you feel ashamed?”

Not surprisingly,

Xu Mang was educated, but… weird changes occurred on the scene.

Beijing Airport,

Xu Mang took his suitcase and got into the Audi car that came to pick him up. He thought it would be a Passat, but… his rank is quite high.


So I arrived at the space agency,

Xu Mang planned to devote himself to the intense work. As a result, the seat was not warmed up. Academician Jin found him. Some detailed questions about the rover needed further routines.

“Professor Xu.”

“You give me a bottom line.” Academician Jin asked seriously: “How sure are you?”


“Actually… not very sure.” Xu Mang said with a smile: “After all, there is only one such login example in the world… But proportionally, the success rate is 100%.”


There was only one example, and it was successful. The success rate is not 100%.

Academician Jin smiled bitterly: “Professor Xu…Although Zhang Ju agrees with your idea, but to pass the review, first you take out the entire plan and make a public explanation. Someone will ask you questions during the period and you need to help him answer them. .”

“Roughly this is the process.” Academician Jin said: “No problem, right?”


“Give me a week, and I will complete the Mars rover design plan and the sky crane landing plan.” Xu Mang said seriously: “Right…Do I have a salary?”


“I really don’t know this.” Academician Jin shook his head: “Should there be? Most of them are given in the form of bonuses.”

The voice just fell,

Xu Mang’s cell phone rang, and he glanced at the caller, who turned out to be Director Guo.


“Director Guo?”

“Do you have anything to do with me?” Xu Mang asked.

“Xiao Xu!”

“The Hangke Group Company intends to give you a reward of 10 million yuan.” Director Guo’s words are full of seriousness, not like a joke, “When will you come to the Hangke Group Company headquarters and take this bonus away. ?”

Ten million?


Is this a fate take, but no fate flower?


“Director Guo?”

“Are you lying to me? Isn’t this an upgraded version of Hongmen Banquet?” Xu Mang asked cautiously: “Why…you call the money? I will send you my card number?”



Words fall,

Xu Mang took out a bank card and sent the card number via SMS.

“Director Jin?”

“What if you succeed?” Xu Mang raised his head, glanced at Director Jin before him, and asked curiously: “How much bonus will you give me?”

“This one…”

“You need to apply to the above.” Academician Jin said: “In fact, at this point, the so-called bonus can no longer be solved. You will get honor.”


The honor of my own body is not average.

Afterwards, he casually talked about work-related matters, and Academician Jin left by himself, leaving Xu Mang sitting alone in the temporary office.

A week?

Something exaggerated!

Director Jin felt that Xu Mang might be joking with himself, and in just one week, it sounded incredible.


“Lao Jin?”

“You are not staying in your own office, why did you suddenly come here?” A man with glasses, seeing Director Jin could not help asking: “Did you come to find someone? It’s not right to find someone, you In the past, inquiries were made by telephone, even if you were next door, you were unwilling to knock on the door.


Academician Jin glanced at the other party. This person is Academician Qian, the person in charge of the Aerospace Remote Sensing Center. He is mainly based on the idea of ​​using aerospace development, development needs and international aerospace-related scientific and technological development directions, and has carried out some basic, forward-looking and strategic research work.

“Professor Xu.”

“Professor Xu?”

“That’s right… After all, the Mars rover project was entrusted to him, right?” Academician Qian said, “Is he doing the argumentation?


“Design.” Academician Jin opened his mouth, but the words swallowed back.

However, his unspeakable state was in the eyes of Academician Qian, and he couldn’t help asking: “Do you have anything you want to say to me?”

“You think…”

“Can we use the NASA Mars rover landing plan?” Academician Jin asked.


“The difficulty is high, the danger is great, and it is full of uncontrollable hidden dangers.” Academician Qian said: “In short, I don’t approve, we can’t afford this kind of loss!”

Academician Jin nodded and said helplessly: “You are in charge of the remote sensing part of the entire plan. There is one thing you may not know… Professor Xu wants to use the sky crane landing method to land on Mars.”

Academician Qian:? ? ?


So messy?

Are you crazy?

“Zhang Ju didn’t agree, right?” Academician Qian asked.


“But…in the end, I will ask for your opinions.” Academician Jin said.

Academician Qian shook his head and said resolutely: “I would never agree to it. This is too dangerous. Once it fails, it cannot be saved.”

“Don’t be in a hurry to settle down.”

“In case you see Professor Xu’s plan, you may change your mind and think it is a good idea.” Academician Jin smiled and said, “Leave yourself a way out.”


at the same time,

Xu Mang sat in the office, silently in a daze.

“System…how much skill is the sky crane design drawing?”

“System…how much skill is the self-rescue program?”


All are 1!

Xu Mang was confused again.

What about it?

You know everything?

But why don’t I even have a single idea I bit my teeth,

Silently paid a little skill value.

When the content appeared in front of him, Xu Mang could not wait to slap himself twice, he would indeed.

“A week?”

“It will be done tomorrow afternoon!”

“Can’t let Xiaoman wait so long.”


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