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I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples - Chapter 1341

Chapter 1349 Uneasy dissolution

The divine power is getting better and better.

Therefore, Luo Ji’s feelings for Yehua are very complicated. There are worship, admiration, thanks, and the likes he can’t say. Yes, Luo Ji likes Yehua very much.

But what can I do if he likes it? He can’t do anything. Their identities are so disparity, so Luo Ji has never thought of pursuing Yehua. All he thinks is that he has been silently guarding Yehua’s side and protecting him. With her, silently deal with the bits and pieces of her life, and it is enough to make her live happily every day as much as possible. He Luo Ji has never fantasized about other things.

But this morning when he went to find Yehua to teach him to remove the superfluous divine power from his body this morning, there was no sage figure of Yehua in Fa Yehua’s room. Luo Ji felt a little strange. Although Yehua was playful by nature, But as the only **** in the existing world, she actually has to deal with many things every day. It is really difficult for her to be playful but willing to stay in the twelfth heaven and do affairs obediently.

Luo Ji remembered that if Yehua could not be found in Yehua’s room, then Yehua would most likely be in a large cherry blossom forest planted by herself in the Twelfth Heaven. She was always quiet. Looking at the flying cherry blossoms, looking at the beautiful cherry blossoms as if looking at the most beautiful things in the world.

But when Luo Ji went to the cherry blossom forest to look for Yehua’s figure, he found that he couldn’t find where Yehua had gone. He was a little worried because he didn’t know where Yehua had gone. Since the last time he was in Yankang After finding Yehua in the cherry blossom forest on the edge of the city, and letting Yehua drink the Forgetfulness Water, Yehua became very strange, and Yehua would no longer be a man with nothing to worry about and live a chic life like before. Yehua became godly.

But he had obviously drunk Yehua’s Forgetful Love Water in the cherry blossom forest on the edge of Yankang City, and it was obvious that Yehua had truly forgotten that memory, but many of Yehua’s behaviors made Luo Ji feel that In fact, Yehua didn’t really forget the past, at least in Yehua’s heart, those deep memories couldn’t be forgotten.

For example, the cherry blossom forest in the Twelfth Heaven is actually exactly the same as the cherry blossoms when Luo Ji met Yehua in the cherry blossom forest on the edge of Yankang City that day. Yehua must be very happy and very sad.

If not happy, Yehua wouldn’t have been obsessed with the cherry blossom forest, but if not sad, Yehua would not help her forget that memory.

After Luo Ji couldn’t find Yehua in the cherry blossom forest, he approached Yehua’s close fairy and asked, “Where did the saint go?”

The fairy replied: “After sitting in the cherry blossom forest for a while this morning, the saint flew out of the twelfth heaven as if thinking of something, as if flying towards the human world.”

Luo Ji felt a deep uneasiness in his heart. He really didn’t want Yehua to go to the world. For Yehua, the world was a place with no good memories. There were all her sad memories, in case she did. After thinking of something in the world, recalling the past, everything will be in trouble. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https:// /book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https:// /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www. .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m . /read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the “favorite” below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1349 Uneasy Yehua), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like “I have hundreds of millions of disciples”, please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! ( )

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