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Legendary Mage - Chapter 835

The beginning of application

The time is approaching September 1st. This day is the first day for the application of teachers at the Brazed Magic Academy.

Morin came to the School of Magic on time. When he arrived, there were already nearly thirty magicians here. Judging from the unique costumes of these magicians, most of them are wandering mages.

They always wear traditional robes and pointy sorcerer hats, and they are usually magicians registered by the Guardian Temple. They themselves have been baptized by the guardian temple, and they also consider themselves to be noble and traditional magicians, so they generally wear traditional costumes.

And wandering mages will be more random, some of them are like beggars, some are like thieves, and some are like wandering poets, but when people see the staff in their hands, they all know that this one is Magicians.

After arriving at the designated application hall of the college, Morin did not talk with any magician, but just waited for the signing staff of the college to conduct the recruitment ceremony on time.

The magicians also rarely spoke to each other, but all looked at Morin with a strange look.

This is not to say what they can see from Morin, but that they have always looked at their peers with strange eyes. It has been stated in the recruitment notice that the school only needs eight teachers, and every additional one is a threat.

Why is it that the peer is the enemy, right here, why is he here to get a job?

However, how many battles Mo Lin had to go through, these unkind eyes, it was all trivial.

All the applicants waited about a quarter of an hour here. Many people felt that the college did not pay much attention to them and began to complain constantly. Of course, it’s impossible to go back to complain.

The wanderers are also tired, and sometimes they want to live a stable life for a while, which is why many wandering mages seek jobs.

It was exactly nine o’clock in the morning, and the college recruiters finally came out. A total of six magicians came out, and Mo Lin looked closely, but none of them knew him.

It’s no wonder that Mo Lin didn’t spend a lot of time in this college. Naturally, he couldn’t know many teachers.

As soon as the six magicians of the school arrived, one of them was a bit older and said to Mo Lin with a big smile on his face: “Everyone, sorry, let you wait for a long time. So, our application ceremony, immediately Start. Now, I’d like to announce to you that the procedure for applying as a teacher at the Brazed Magic Academy is like this”

This application procedure is divided into three parts. The first is to fill in personal information, including name, age, which magic college graduated, and so on. The second procedure is to perform a level test on these magicians; the third procedure is to make the final selection.

The application is naturally to choose the best recruitment, the college can expect to participate in the application, and can pass the first two procedures, there should be more than eight places.

At this time, the third assessment is required. The assessment is divided into two steps. The first step is a written test to test the applicant’s basic knowledge of magic.

The college is to recruit teachers, so the requirements must be more comprehensive. For example, there are some alternatives among the magicians. They are very good at fighting, but they are not rich in knowledge. Although these people are powerful in actual combat, they are not suitable for teaching.

Of course, only knowledge is not enough. In that case, it is better to train ordinary people to learn magic knowledge to teach students. This strength in itself is also very important.

Therefore, the next step in this assessment is to conduct actual combat.

In both competitions, the final score is used to determine the ranking, of which the written test accounts for 60% of the total score and the actual battle accounts for 40%.

In other words, if you get 70 points in the written test, your final score is 42 points. If your actual score is 50 points, the actual score in this game is 20 points.

The two plus one is 62 points, and this score is your final score, which is used to assign the ranking.

It can also be seen from this that this assessment is still more focused on the knowledge.

Before the recruitment, the college only gave notices and did not tell specific details, which made it impossible for applicants to prepare in advance, so the assessment of them can test their true skills.

As soon as the details of the application process were announced, several magicians began to complain. The complaint is naturally those who have poor knowledge, and they think it is extremely unfair.

However, society is like this. Fairness is determined by the strong, and the weak can only obey.

After the procedure was announced, it soon entered the formal application process. There are several rows of tables and chairs in the hall, and the college staff will send the personal information form to each candidate.

These applicants started to fill out honestly. Since these people will be their own companions in the future, the college staff are very kind and patient with these applicants.

Here at Morin, filling out the form is a little troublesome for him.

I made up my identity, but I didn’t make it too elaborate at the time. Now I fill out this form again, which is a bit tricky.

On the form, in addition to filling in the basic personal information, the person who fills it out thinks that the most important thing is that they also fill out the main experience. Including where to graduate, who is the tutor, where have you been, what have you done, etc.

Morin was stuck at the form where he graduated. I haven’t graduated yet, this is a dropout. And he also subconsciously wanted to fill in the form “Brazed School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, but as soon as he finished writing, he knew that it was absolutely impossible.

I have been in this college for less than one semester. If I fill it here and are questioned by someone, it will be exposed.

Mo Lin whispered, but fortunately he was wise and suddenly remembered the name “Wild Witch Magic Academy”.

Thinking of this college, Morin was greatly relieved. This filled a magic academy across the ocean, which should definitely be safe.

So, Morin filled in this way. As for the mentor column, Morin was thinking about it. Although he was a little reluctant, he filled in the name of Dahn in order to be more realistic.

As for the experience behind, Morin wrote a mixed story. Not like others, just hand it in with ease after finishing writing. Morin used the shortest time to memorize everything he wrote.

Morin knew that this thing should never be sloppy. Even if the magicians of these academies wouldn’t suddenly ask about what he filled in, he should write it down just in case.

When these were completed, they entered the second procedure.

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