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Long Live The Emperor! - Chapter 415

Chapter 397 117. Harvest (1/2)

Chapter 397 117. Harvest (12)

“I need to make a confirmation, I hope you can understand, because I don’t have the authority to make a decision.”

“Okay.” Xia Ji had a gentle expression, and at the same time passed the golden mask directly to Flora.

Flora froze.

Xia Jidao: “I have read the information about this mask, so I gave it to you the Kingdom of Sand. This is your thing. Besides, I also destroyed this pyramid. I’m really sorry.”

Flora pursed her lips. She looked at the exotic Oriental man, and she only felt that this man had great heart and soul.

She has seen a lot of strong men, each of them is a macho with extremely strong self-esteem, and has to fight fiercely with others everywhere, but the man in front of her is completely different from those people. His existence seems to tell her one. reason:

The real powerhouse never begrudges their own politeness, never domineering, nor sensationalistic, nor careless, they seem to be pursuing their own things or life silently.

You can’t feel the powerful aura in such a strong person, and you will even have an illusion that he is actually just an ordinary person, but when he takes action, your ridiculous illusion will be completely shattered.

Flora’s hands were stuffed into the golden mask, and she reacted, “The destruction of the Great Pyramid was originally expected. Even if you didn’t do anything, the Scarlet Hyenas had already destroyed the Great Pyramid with heavy weapons, so , You don’t have to mind.”

“Thank you. Then I come back tomorrow night, can I get further information?”

Flora looked at this god-like mortal, or a mortal god, and smiled: “Of course.”

After speaking, she turned and left. She just walked to the door. She couldn’t help turning her head and looking at the man who was already yawning and said, “You are the most special person I have ever seen.”

Then, without waiting for a response, the exotic beauty went out and closed the door backhand.

After Flora left, Xia Ji went to unplug the phone that had just been charged, and checked the time. It was exactly 11 o’clock in the evening, and counting the time difference, it should be 5 o’clock in the morning on Xiao Su and Su’s mother.

Xiaosu is a night owl and must be getting ready to sleep

So he tried to click on “video call”.

Toot toot.

The video rang a few times and it was actually connected over there.

Xiao Su’s head suddenly shook out in front of the video.

An excited voice soon came: “Brother!!”

“Not asleep yet?”

“Brother, where are you?”

Xia Ji turned the video around: “I followed a tour group, is this hotel not bad?”

“Wow, do you live alone?”


“What a big place, where is it?”

“The Land of Sand.”

“What are you going to do in the land of sand? Look at the pyramids? But what is so good about the pyramids?”

Xia Jidao: “Yes, all the pyramids here have collapsed, and information is blocked locally.”

Xia Xiaosu:! ! !

Xia Jidao: “Tomorrow I will take a photo and send it to you. It will be the writing material for you. Don’t spread it randomly.”

“Okay, okay. By the way, brother, are those killers chasing you down again?”

“No, maybe you haven’t come here yet, you and mom will tell me about my safety, okay?”

“Okay By the way, brother, sister Miao Miao’s recent research on life conjecture has reached a critical moment, and many of her people have gone to work in isolation and cannot come back.”

The two fell silent suddenly.

Xia Ji deeply looked at Xiao Su in the video.

Xiao Su noticed this stare even after thousands of miles away, so she curiously asked: “What’s the matter?”

Xia Ji’s eyes moved, and then he said gently: “Your habit of not going to sleep at night was developed because of me. It’s time to adjust. Okay?”

Xiao Su’s expression moved.

The two looked at each other across the screen, and their emotions were a bit strange and subtle. This was not a relationship between men and women, and it might not be a relationship between brother and sister.

After a long time, but actually a second later, Xiao Su said, “Good night.”

Xia Ji said softly, “Good night.”

Then, he hung up the video and dialed another directly to the lieutenant general.

Although the white-haired old man is resting, his level of strength can actually be restored by just closing his eyes and resting. Hearing the unique phone ring, he quickly got up, looked at the electric display, his eyes condensed, and took the call. .

Xia Ji’s voice came, as if chatting with an old friend: “How is the research? Is it going well?”

White-haired old man:

Xia Ji said: “In a few days, I may go to other places. You can speed up the research.”

A hoarse voice came from the opposite side: “I see.”

Xia Ji hung up the phone. He raised his head. The night on the edge of the desert was really cold.

The sky is as cold as water, and the galaxy is full of sky.

But what is happening on the other side of the galaxy?

He traveled from here to another world, but he has only lived here for more than ten years, and he has lived in another world for more than six thousand years. Coupled with the cause and effect that has entangled hundreds of millions, even billions of years, his hometown No longer on this planet.

He is homesick.

This kind of intense thought made him more sure of his guess.

Yes, the so-called vegetative is just a lie, Xiao Su, Miao Miao, mother may be fake.

The white-haired old man hung up, thought about it and dialed another call.

The dialogue is simple.

“Apply for the use of missile A to bomb the Pyramid area of ​​the Kingdom of Sands to measure data.”

“Is it necessary to reach this level?”

“I can’t block the missile. If he can do it. I feel that I have been disqualified from testing him.”

“You are such a crazy person, would you say such discouraging words?” The person on the phone was very curious.

“Did you not see his performance today? I think he may have become a higher being, but he has not been affected by reason. In other words, I may be a madman, you may also be a madman, but he is all alone Didn’t kill, can you imagine?

If he can withstand missile A, then.”

“Don’t be discouraged, in this world, he is not only a superman, nor is it only us. Besides, have you forgotten the four terrorist forces based on life promotion?” The voice was calm, he would not be as white Crazy as an old man, but not easily shaken.

The voice said faintly: “The four forces of Sakyamuni, Heaven, Blood, and Olympus also participated in this plan. Didn’t you ask them to cover your four chapters? In other words, you are not the only one who performed the experiment number 007 test. A person.”


“As for the missile A, you can apply and I will authorize it for you.”

Early the next morning.

Xia Ji took his mobile phone to the periphery of the broken pyramid, took a few photos at random, and then sent them to Xiaosu.

After doing this, he quickly returned, put his phone back in the room before eight o’clock, and then returned to the ruins of the pyramid desert.

Yesterday, the spiritual gift of the golden mask has been fed back to the power.

In this way, he untied a trace of fetters, which increased the power he could use.

At least, he can use the power of an elephant in his body.

Then, try to feel the sun on this side again, hoping to gain something.

Thinking of this in Xia Ji’s heart, she sat cross-legged on the ruins and took a deep breath.

The hot wind and sand in the sky came to him, and the light of the blazing sun was distorted as it drilled into his pores.

There is one more update, it’s going to be later, let’s watch it at night

(End of this chapter)

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