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Love at First Kiss: Surrendering to my Devil Husband - Chapter 794

Chapter 794 Test of feelings 5

Count Louis returned to the ward, Lan Qianyu was standing by the window texting, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face was not very good.

“Your husband won’t answer your call?” Count Louis asked with a smile. “He won’t really misunderstand us, right? I didn’t do anything to you, right? Besides, even if there is a misunderstanding, I shouldn’t leave you behind. No matter, your family is still lying in the hospital, he should put the overall situation first…”

“Earl Louis!” Lan Qianyu interrupted him displeasedly, “I am very grateful to you for helping me, but this is my family affair. I hope you don’t bother about it anymore?”

“OK.” Count Louis shrugged.

“Aren’t you okay? Go ahead and leave me alone.” Lan Qianyu’s tone softened, after all, he helped her a lot today.

“Just some trivial things, don’t pay attention.” Count Louis looked at her with a smile, “Your face is very bad, relax, your mother will be fine. As for your husband… he didn’t answer your call. There may be other reasons. Although I don’t like him very much, he shouldn’t have that brain. Knowing that such a strong rival is waiting, he will not let you alone.”

Hearing what Earl Louis said, Lan Qianyu felt a little comfort in his heart, and yes, even if Ye Yan was really angry with her, he would not leave her alone. He usually treats her family very well. Now Knowing that something is going on in her family, he shouldn’t ignore it.

“Is it better now?” Count Louis looked at her amusedly. “A person who is usually quite smart will become confused when facing love?”

“The authorities are crazy.” Lan Qianyu was a little embarrassed. “Thank you so much for today. I have the opportunity to be with my husband…”

“Thank me.” Count Louis took her. “You have said this many times.” He raised his eyebrows and grinned. “I don’t need anything except you. I don’t want anything.”

“The moment you comforted me just now, I seemed to see the original gentleman again, why did he change again in a blink of an eye?” Lan Qianyu gave him a white look.

“Desire makes people selfish.” Count Louis smiled slightly, “Well, I know that you are in a mess right now and it is not suitable to talk about personal feelings. I won’t talk about it.”

“That’s right.” Lan Qianyu smiled, “Seriously, go ahead and leave me alone. You tell me the doctor’s phone number, and I will contact him directly later.”

“I’m fine anyway, don’t worry.” Count Louis glanced coldly at the bed. “Your mother is so sick, and your friend is going home to get the case again. If there is no one around you, you will feel Lonely and helpless, I will stay with you.”

“No need…” Before Lan Qianyu finished speaking, the phone rang. In order to avoid interrupting the coldness, she quickly took the phone and went outside to answer the phone. “Uncle Shen, you finally contacted me, Ning Ruo how about it?”

“Ningruo still didn’t find it.” Shen Sanghai was very depressed, “I have contacted friends from the police and asked them to help find them.”

“Don’t worry, you will definitely find it. I will ask Zhao Jun to take someone to find it later. They are more familiar with New York.” Lan Qianyu comforted.

“Okay, thank you. How is your mother? Is it serious? I am on my way to the hospital now.”

“There is nothing wrong with my mother. The doctor said that the trauma is not serious. My friend helped contact a brain tumor specialist to come over and check her.”

“That’s good, I have about 20 minutes to go to the hospital, you take good care of your mother.”

“Okay. If there is news from Ningruo, you should go to Ningruo first, don’t worry about mother, I will take care of it here.”

“I know, I have a sense of measure. Hang up first, contact me later.”

“it is good.”

After hanging up the phone, Lan Qianyu sighed long and sympathized with Shen Sanghai from the bottom of my heart. He is a good man and always considers others, but his own life is so tragic, God is really unfair.

“Why? You still have friends missing?” Count Louis asked with concern.

“Why do you overhear someone talking on the phone?” Lan Qianyu frowned.

“You didn’t hide, how did I call eavesdropping?” Count Louis said frankly, “Although your voice is very small, my hearing is also very good.”

“Poor mouth.” Lan Qianyu could not say to him.

“Tell me, what’s the situation? Maybe I can help?” Count Louis said confidently, “There is nothing I can’t solve.”

“No, I already owe you so much, and I don’t want to trouble you anymore. My husband will contact me later and I will ask him to send someone to find him. His people are more familiar with New York.”

Lan Qianyu glanced at the phone again when he was speaking, expecting Ye Yan to be able to contact her, but the phone did not respond at all, and she was very disappointed. ”

“It seems that your friend has a bad relationship with you.” Count Louis said with a smile, “you don’t care about her at all, otherwise, you won’t refuse my help, just because you don’t want to owe me favors, you let you Friends continue to take risks outside? If something happens to her, you will probably regret it for the rest of your life…”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t.”

Lan Qianyu stared at him displeasedly, but she felt a little ashamed. Indeed, if she allowed Shen Ningruo to take risks outside because she didn’t want to owe Count Louis favors, it would really be unreasonable. Even if she didn’t look at the sisterhood when she was a child, she still wanted Thinking of Uncle Shen, he treated her as if he had been out, and even suffered serious injuries to save Xiao Qianyi. In these years, if it were not for his care and help, she could not survive those difficult days.

“You already owe me a lot of favors, and you don’t care if you owe one more.” Count Louis jokingly said, “Life is a matter of life. At this time, you should not be loyal.”

“You’re right.” Lan Qianyu bit her lower lip and told him Shen Ningruo’s situation. “Ningruo is my sister, who suffers from mild schizophrenia and depression. Today, because of her illness, my mother was removed from Pushed downstairs, and then ran away…”

“Uh.” Count Louis was a little surprised. “Your family is quite complicated.”

“Yes…” Lan Qianyu lowered his head in embarrassment.

“Like me.” Count Louis smiled again. “We are all the same. You send me a picture of your sister, with all the characteristics, what kind of clothes you were wearing before leaving home, etc. I will immediately Arrange someone to find it.”

“Okay.” Lan Qianyu was about to send Shen Ningruo’s information to Earl Louis, when her mobile phone rang suddenly, and the call was from Bo Xiao. She quickly answered the call, “Bo Xiao!”

“Madam Young, something happened to Young Master!!!” Bo Xiao said anxiously.

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