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Love in the Midst of Mistaken Identities - Chapter 471

She sat on the rest chair, letting go of Xiaoyudian ’s hand and letting her play alone, Xiaoyudian was happy to pick up the leaves on the ground, she picked them up piece by piece, and then put the leaves in a way that she thought looked good Finally, the leaves are placed under the root of the tree.


The sudden sound seemed to make the wind blowing on Xia Ruoxin’s face suddenly become cold.

She opened her eyes, and there was already a person sitting next to her, a woman, a woman she didn’t want to see, a woman she didn’t want to recognize.

“What are you doing here?” Xia Ruoxin asked lightly, her eyes were always staring at her daughter who was not far away. As for the people around her, she was just a stranger who was not even a stranger. .

“Heart, you really don’t want to admit me, do you want to scream with your mother?”

Shen Yijun smiled bitterly, and they actually met many times, but every time, Xia Ruoxin was the same indifferent, or else he was never willing to say a word to her. This kind of slander is also such disregard.

Shen Yijun knows that she has suffered for herself. In this life, I’m afraid you don’t want to recognize this daughter. However, she just can’t feel relieved, she just can’t bear it. This is her daughter, her only daughter. Every time, when Xia Mingzheng gave When Xia Yixuan called, her heart would suffer. Yeah, Xia Yixuan is back, Xia Mingzheng has a daughter, whether this daughter is fighting or not, still, Xia Mingzheng’s daughter is still alive, she can scold, also Being able to fight, although it was said that the meeting was a quarrel between the father and the daughter, but Xia Mingzheng’s heart was still comforting, after all, his daughter was not dead, and he could still call him a father.

However, for her daughter, she forced her own daughter away for the sake of Xia ’s father and daughter. It was even worse and she was forced to die. Now Xia Mingzheng can talk to her daughter, but her daughter It was completely lost and could never be found again.

Xiaoyudian picked up a leaf again. When she went over her head, she saw that her mother seemed to be with others, and an aunt kept crying. She opened her little legs and ran over, clasping her mother’s legs alertly.

Light rain, Shen Yijun quickly wiped away her tears, and found something on her body. As a result, she put a lot of things like pawns in her bag, but she did n’t put the children to play and eat. I really wanted to slap herself. Why did she forget this? She turned it over unconsciously, but she still did n’t use it. She could n’t give her a lipstick.

She gritted her teeth, and the sweat on her forehead was soaked with some sweat. Finally, she took out a wallet from the bag, opened the wallet, and there were a bunch of cards inside.

She pulled out a card and placed it in front of Xiaoyudian.

“Xiaoyudian, this is the password given by Grandma to Xiaoyu, the password is 123456, which is very easy to remember. There are a lot of money in it, which can make Xiaoyudian buy a lot of toys,” she said, but in fact, Xia Ruoxin listened, Children can’t remember, but adults can.

Xiao Yudian stared at the card for a long time. She didn’t pick it up, but just looked at a very similar mother’s eyes, then she stretched out her little hand, Shen Yijun was relieved, as long as she could pick it up, this Zhang Ka, in fact, she always wanted to give Xia Ruoxin, this is some money she has saved in the past few years, although it is not too much, it is certainly not comparable to the Chu family, but it is enough for their mother and daughter to live a worry-free life. However, she knew that Xia Ruoxin’s temper would not be necessary, and she was always looking for opportunities, and she was glad that the opportunity had been given to her.

However, Xiao Yudian’s little hand was put on her head. The two little hands adjusted the hat, and then twisted her face, and buried her little face in her mother’s arms. The child who notices the color, the mother does not like it, she also does not like it. She is sensitive to know that the mother does not like this aunt, so she does not speak, she only needs her mother.

Shen Yijun’s hand in the air was awkward.

“Heart, hold this card,” she said, and put the card in her hand into Ka Ruoxin’s palm. Xia Ruoxin picked up a small raindrop. Both hands were now occupied, while Shen Yijun held it. Card, more and more awkward.

“Heart, are you so reluctant to forgive mom?”

Shen Yijun knew that Xia Ruoxin couldn’t forgive her at all, and this card, of course, she couldn’t accept it, but she really couldn’t see it. For her old age, forgive a mother’s selfishness. Are you afraid?

“Sorry, Mrs. Xia, I won’t ask for your money,” Xia Ruoxin clenched his red lips, and made a mocking opening. Of course, I wouldn’t ask for anything from Xia’s family, she was not Xia’s family at all So there is no reason to ask for things from the Xia family. She owes the Xia family, eats the Xia family, and drinks the Xia family. She has been enough in recent years, and she does not owe the Chu family. She has also returned, so she Don’t owe anyone.

She picked up her daughter, and sometimes she really felt that the world was too small. Even when she took her daughter to the sun, she would meet some people who were unwilling and unwilling to meet, such as Shen Yijun and Chu family. .

“Well, Ruoxin, are you?” Song Wan saw Xia Ruoxin from a long distance, and her feet couldn’t help coming towards her.

Is mom going to play games with Drizzle? Xiaoyudian remembered her mother’s words. She buried her little face in her mother’s arms and was unwilling to come out to meet people.

Xia Ruoxin nodded to Song Wan, and left without stopping.

Song Wan is also a little embarrassed. She actually wanted to say a few more words, but Xia Ruoxin didn’t cold or warm to her, so she wasn’t close. Then she thought about what they did in the past. They will not blame anything. If they complain, there will be more people complaining about their family.

Song Wan came over and sat beside Shen Yijun.

“Why, she still doesn’t want to recognize you? Sigh, Song Wan didn’t know how to persuade Shen Yijun, but now it’s not easy to want to return to the past, if you want this child, face to face It is soft, but this person’s temperament is the most stubborn. She was the last person who did not hit the south wall and did not look back. Even if she was hit, she was still unwilling to be killed. Look back.

“Yeah, she doesn’t recognize it,” she took the card into her wallet deliberately, opened the bag casually, and stuffed the wallet in again.

“If the child in his arms looks pretty good, he will not be raised in vain,” Song Wan said in a hurry.

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