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My Summons Are Weird - Chapter 263

Chapter 253: Have You Seen It?

At a banquet, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. When they parted, standing in front of the splendid mansion, a group of nobles and businessmen in formal attire smiled and shook hands with Anna, and glanced at the people standing in the distance toasting to them. Sera, with a polite salute, turned away with a smile on her face and a red face.

By renting the mansion to the Marquis of Lu Yu, Sera invited all the local forces that may be involved in the establishment of the orphanage, and explained his intentions through the banquet.

It is hoped that those who have become famous through the orphanage can find her with a small amount of materials, coordinate the work, and “decorate the facade” to solve it.

Sierra’s words were so blunt.

“The orphanage is an important place for missionary missions in our country, and we know better than everyone here how to decorate the ‘facade’.”

Perhaps it was the first time I saw Youshen choose to blackmail his **** and country so frankly, perhaps because he was surprised by Sera’s frankness, the scene was silent, but applause broke out soon after.

No one here talks about charity, and they are too lazy to talk about welfare. They are talking about interests. If you seriously build a welfare home according to Clorence’s requirements, and open your mouth and shut up to talk about love and peace in the dialogue, then Everyone will look at you with a sneer.

How can there be such a fool in this world, spending real money to save a group of poor people who can’t squeeze oil and water?

In order to preach, he is willing to use money to open the way. This reason seems to be a lot of words.

Lu Yu felt that Lulu should take a look at how Sera handles things, without needing to say too much, accurately grasp everyone’s pain points, and then throw out a condition that they are very excited about.

People will always subconsciously find a reason to rationalize what seems unreasonable in order to maintain their worldview and values from being impacted.

A little lamb running into a pack of wolves will look very awkward, but if you know how to disguise it, it will be different. In the church country, you can get into the divine election, and the skills of Sera who see people talk to people and talk to ghosts Naturally, it was full, so when discussing the division of interests, everyone was as angry as friends who had known each other for many years.

Returning to his mansion, Lu Yu saw at a glance two dirty slaves in the courtyard tearing at a piece of roasted meat.

Seeing so many people appear at once, the expressions of the two slaves changed greatly, but their mouths did not slow down, for fear that they would not be able to eat in the next second, they devoured them.

Sigrid was about to report when Lu Yu pinched his nose and waved: “Let them both wash up first.”

It’s not that Lu Yu is hypocritical, but these two are so dirty, they can smell the obvious sour odor when they get close, as if they were wearing a wet stinky socks and armor that they walked all day.

Lu Yu didn’t understand why slave traders were so disqualified. Slaves are your goods. What you should do is to show the best state of slaves and let customers buy carefully. Even for someone as dangerous as Sigrid, the merchant who sold her still kept her neat and tidy.

After washing up, Anna changed them into decent clothes again, and Lu Yu and his party, who were discussing the matter of returning to Mela Continent, turned their attention to the two slaves.

Most of the slaves who can be brought to Born City by slave merchants in places with large ports and where merchants gather have certain advantages, otherwise they will be sold at will during transportation, and these two are at least in terms of appearance. of.

Looking at the two identical faces, Lu Yu asked in surprise, “A pair of sisters?”

“Yes, and it’s still a blood clan. If you want to buy it, you can only buy it together. The merchant said that he will not be responsible for the single sale.”

“It looks as dangerous as you were back then.” Lu Yu teased, “By the way, the blood clan won’t take a sip to the people in the orphanage in a hurry.”

The vampire girl who seemed to be her elder sister stood up and replied coldly, “According to my agreement with Sigrid, as long as you work hard for the orphanage, you will be free. Compared to freedom, food is nothing. Also, Don’t say such ridiculous things, it’s not that the blood clan can’t live without blood.”

Saying that, she picked up the piece of meat on the side and chewed it, her eyes full of contempt.

Sera was delighted: “Lu Yu, you are despised, you are still a child who has not been rated by two Mithrils.”

Lulu said, not surprised at all: “Be good at night and listen to me introducing you to some attempts of the blood clan, so you don’t have to be ashamed.”

Lu Yu touched his chin and said, “Sigrid, who you chose…”

Sigrid became nervous.

“It’s interesting, I don’t think it’s a problem, Sera, Lulu, what do you think?”

“I’m OK.”

“Me too, but the contract still needs to be signed. After all, we should not come back here for a while in the future.”

Sera took out two soul contracts from the newly bought box and put a lock on the twins.

“The time is two years. Behave well. After two years, you can go wherever you want.” Sera threw the soul contract to Anna, and then continued to drink her juice.

Seeing that Lu Yu was still staring straight at the blood clan twins, Sera smiled playfully: “Want to try?”

Lu Yu didn’t expect that Sera could see this, and said honestly: “I’m curious, I really want to try it out.”

Sera was stunned, and she continued to ask uncertainly, “Now, in front of Lulu?”

Lu Yu shouted Xu Yu down from the roof, and then asked with a puzzled face: “Does it still depend on the time to try this? The suppressing power of the dragon slayer should not be divided into morning, middle and evening, right? In front of Lulu It’s nothing, I think she should also want to know.”

The two looked at each other, and after a while, they both understood what the other was talking about.

This is the second time. Both Lu Yu and Sera have found that there will always be some subtle misunderstandings in the dialogue between them.

Lu Yu covered his face, and Sera turned his head away in disgust. Only Lulu and Sigrid looked blank. They didn’t know what the two were talking about. Same.

The blood clan twins looked at Xu Yu who had a blood clan aura, and had an inexplicable intimacy, but this intimacy disappeared the moment Xu Yu’s magic power leaked.

The trembling in their souls made them tremble, and they wanted to escape, but their limbs did not obey, and even the magic within their bodies lost contact at this moment.

Looking at the terrified expressions of the blood clan twins, Lu Yu called Xu Yu back.

The well-informed Sera couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Just leaking a little magic power can cause such an impact and suppress a race… Such a summoning thing is really unheard of.”

Lu Yu also began to understand why the dragons of Mostana were so cowardly.

At the same level, the Dragon Slayer may not be affected so strongly, but the suppression effect on the power level will prevent him from exerting his full power.

Lu Yu really hoped that there would be an actual battle to try out how powerful an enemy he could fight with all his strength in an instant, but according to Serra’s plan, they actually didn’t have a few days to stay in Kelai.

The Pope’s messenger came to Born City with a lot of recent news from the Mela Continent, and through inquiries, he finally found Sera who was at rest.

While Serra was traveling, Pope Laurent of the Holy State of Silver Maple fell seriously ill and fell into a coma. Unlike before, this time Laurent was unable to get up from the bed after falling ill, and his vitality was rapidly withering. , the things you see in your dreams are no longer the glorious gods you have believed in all your life, but the innumerable and incomprehensible affairs.

After sending the messenger away, Sera opened a large number of letters, trying to have a basic understanding of the current situation before rushing back to Meera, but the more she looked, the more her head hurt.

Lulu, who was going to share some of the burden for Sera, volunteered to help organize the news, and then Lu Yu saw the scene where she and Sera were tangled together.

Mela Continent has not been very peaceful recently.

The Pope of the Papacy is seriously ill, and the internal currents are turbulent. Before Pope Laurent died, it is still unclear whether the successor will be appointed or the election system will be adopted. The Pope can still keep walking, and there is still no problem within the Patriarchate. Now the Pope is sick. In bed, the bishop and the high priest were all about to move.

It is not clear how many Serra’s high-level leaders believe in God, but if you want to say that you don’t believe in God, Serra thinks that there are definitely a lot of them.

The squirrels in the Solon and Civita areas officially rebelled, and one of the reasons for the rebellion of these squirrels was the brutal oppression of Solon. About a year ago, the nobles in the Civita area and the special envoys sent by the emperor were all killed by unknown warriors.

However, the martial artist’s methods were neat and tidy, leaving no traces that could be traced, which made the special envoy on the royal mission very impatient, and then took some measures against the squirrels in the Civita area that could not be written to the emperor. means of reporting.

After that, this powerful warrior appeared in several border cities of Solon one after another, killing many nobles, not even the fifth-order magician team. .

Although the murderers can confirm that they are not the squirrels of Civita, they were tossed by the special envoy, and the newly entrusted lords are descendants of the nobles of the royal city of Solon. , so he continued the perverse behavior of the previous lord.

Drive the squirrel people to do the most laborious work, make them unprepared to collect corrosive ores for alchemy, and also downgrade their status in the city-state, forcing them to be unable to run funds through regular channels, and a large number of shops are therefore collapse.

Not only is the tax burden higher than ordinary people, but they are also more discriminated against. The anger of the Civita squirrels has finally reached its peak after a year of accumulation. They captured the large and small city-states in the Civita area and declared the whole territory to secede. Solon ruled, and hung the whole family of the city lord, who repeatedly exploited the squirrel men and liked to make decorations with their tails, on the wall, and died in the sun.

Hearing this way of dying, Lu Yu couldn’t help feeling thirsty, and he didn’t know if it was considered a ‘street lamp” limited to the Civita area.

When the Ecclesiastical messenger brought the information, Solon’s army was approaching the Civita area, and the first battle to suppress the rebellion was about to start.

The throne of Cordzon was initially determined, and the nobles in the territory did not have much reverence for the young king. It was only after the “Shadow Guard”, the elite direct descendant of Caldzon, that the tax was paid. However, the tax amount has shrunk compared to when the old king was on the throne. nearly half.

It is rumored that the new king of Kedzon has sent a shadow guard. He does not plan to wait for the other half of the tax to be sent to the capital, but plans to collect it himself.

Three of the four major countries are smoking, and Lu Yu doesn’t know whether to say this is an excellent matching mechanism for the region, or whether it is a historical cycle.

Under such a big environment, it was really difficult for Lulu to create a manor of her own in a safe and stable manner. They had to face not only the pressure of reclaiming wasteland, but also the survival pressure brought by the surrounding countries and races.

It is a good thing to be self-promoting in enclosures, but before being self-sufficient, you still have to rely on neighboring countries.

With sharp eyes, Lu Yu saw a piece of information in the information pile.

“The Forbidden Demon Sect…” Lu Yu continued to read along, “The concept of the Forbidden Demon Sect is developing, and now there is a more popular saying about the weakening of magic power. They believe that magic power will gradually weaken over time and lose magic power. The world will come eventually, and that world is their ideal homeland.”

“Sera, who is this Forbidden Sect?”

Sera, who was sorting out the information, raised her head and glanced at it: “The people of the Forbidden Sect believe that magic has created all injustices in this world. As long as magic disappears, everyone is equal and will not be oppressed, and the exploited world will follow suit. coming.”

Lu Yu said with emotion: “It’s a bit naive.”

Lu Yu did not intend to ridicule further. The people here are restricted by the environment and the times, and can’t see other possibilities.

Serra was interested again for some reason. She asked, “What part of their point of view do you think is naive? I don’t think their statement is so absolute that it can be regarded as correct.”

Sera, who was self-deprecating, went on to say: “Magic does create injustice. It is undeniable that magicians and ordinary people have almost become two kinds of life. To be honest, it is difficult for me to imagine the social structure of the world where magic continues to develop. What will it transform into, or when the magic is strong enough, everyone in this world can learn magic?”

Is there a difference between a low-magic world and a high-magic However, considering the existence of knowledge barriers, even ordinary people can learn magic. They are willing to “open source” their knowledge.

It’s impossible to think about it. After all, the school struggle in this world is still playing the knowledge blockade. I can’t wait to bring all the unique magic and experience into the soil and bury it so hard that future generations can only see the records, and then be shocked. Calling “powerful”, but life and death can’t find a way to learn.

“I’m actually laughing at the fact that they think there’s no magic to get a world where no one is oppressed or exploited.”

“We haven’t seen what other worlds look like. Why do you think a world without magic wouldn’t be what they describe? Have you seen it?”

Lu Yu smiled but did not answer.


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