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Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince Charming - Chapter 955

Chapter 951 In short supply

Biquge , the fastest update of the latest chapter of the rebirth of the big guy to become a male god!

So it is necessary for him to remind his new friends: ‘know why I came back to participate in this column and become their fixed costume instructor? ’

‘do not know. ’

How much money? Free?

‘That’s because of the commonality of American entertainment. This column will attract stars from all walks of life like you and more and more sponsoring brands. ’

‘When its influence reaches a certain level, the designers who come out of this column have enough reputation to support them in creating independent brands. ’

‘Then, even if a designer successfully stepped out of the first issue, according to the annual issue, how many designers and brands will be in the fashion industry in New York? ’

‘Is this a new and huge circle of designers? Through this column, a new force has emerged in the fashion industry. ’

‘When these cutting-edge designers fully mature, it will be a terrible fashion trend. ’

‘So, Qin Guan, you have to capture them with your charm! When they think of the press conference, the first model that comes to mind is you! ’

This is a supermodel self-marketing method.

‘I know, thank you TIM. ’

What you said is just Jinyuliangyan for ordinary supermodels, but is this method useful for Qin Guan?

It’s not very useful.

When these young children have reached the level of Armani and Chanel, come and talk to Qin Guan about this theory.

Now Qin Guan just wants to enjoy the long sunny days in New York, as well as show off his most dazzling style at New York Fashion Week, and put a happy ending to his trip to the United States this time.

It’s a pity that as a character who often occupies the fashion page, where is the difference?

In the same way, it is impossible to avoid leisure and social interaction.

Out of support for local designers, New York Fashion Week has reached an agreement in private with the flyover.

On the launch day of cutting-edge fashion designers in New York Fashion Week, the organizer of Fashion Week will provide a separate venue for the grand finals of Tianzhijiao.

As an independent design group and brand in New York Fashion Week, they jointly participated in all relevant activities promotion and award selection in Fashion Week.

This is equivalent to that the arrogance of the sky will also become an independent brand, and other fashion brands above the second line, to accept the critics from all directions for New York Fashion Week.

Of course, because at this time, Tianqiao Jiaozi just recorded the fourth season, no matter in terms of influence or brand awareness, it is naturally impossible to compare with the world’s top brands.

Also sent invitation letters to these fashionistas and crazy big-name buyers.

In addition to the fixed media invited by the program through the TV station, those so-called top fashionistas are not cold about the show.

Therefore, when they received three or more invitation letters, according to their own time schedule, they consciously arranged the pride of heaven to the position to be selected.

If your New York Fashion Week schedule is rich, this invitation can be a good place to pass the time.

In addition, in order to expand its influence, the arrogance of the sky also specifically asked the organizer for the largest venue in the fashion week. In the semi-open space in the park of New York, there is enough space to accommodate three or four hundred people. It also allows The difficulty of getting this invitation has been reduced a lot.

People are like this, as if the harder it is to get something, the more expensive it is.

For the bad street goods everywhere, these self-proclaimed high-end people are naturally also lacking in interest.

However, the issuance of invitations this year is different from the promotion of Tianzhijiao. As the person in charge of the column, Fu Sheng will use all topics to consolidate his position.

So, halfway through New York Fashion Week, now the entire media, magazines, buyers, apparel companies and fashionistas who are participating in Fashion Week are working silently on one thing.

That is to get a ticket to the show for the design of the flyover finals.

How did this matter become popular? It still comes down to the pay-off news and the hunger marketing strategy.

This time at the New York Fashion Week, the overpass is no longer a one-off distribution of all 300 admission tickets.

Rather, after counting the exact number of media present, the remaining 200 invitation letters were properly promoted and planned.

The first round of invitation letter is issued: the standard of the flyover is rising, and clothing designs that can be rarely criticized by TIM teachers will appear on the final venue.

Then these 50 invitation letters were issued to all the peers in the fashion industry who did not deal with it because of TIM’s poisonous tongue.

These fashion critics and fashionistas have been bombarded more or less by Comrade TIM.

Because of the appearance of this person, regardless of the outcome or not, these people will definitely attend.

Because they will use the most discerning vision in the world to evaluate the work of this small group of designers, it is said that TIM is the instructor of their clothing design.

So if the apprentice’s level is too bad, this is Ming Huang’s black history belonging to TIM.

At that time they surrounded the old thing and sneered at him heartily, in order to report that they had been ruthlessly trampled and insulted.

So, these 50 invitation letters were accepted by these people without surprise.

Many people even expressed their gratitude for this.

The first bomb went here, Fu Sheng did not take advantage of the chase.

But when the fashion critics heard the limelight, and those critics who were insulted by TIM were not heard, the person who issued the invitation letter from Tianqiao Jiaozi regretted to inform them with the most professional smile, the first stage The invitation letter of the fashion critics has been distributed.

‘what? Doesn’t it mean that the display site of the pride of the flyover is on the semi-open T platform built in the park? You are telling me that the seat of the hundredth is finished now? ’

“Yes, Mr.” This is the staff with the sweetest voice specially selected by Fu Sheng. Even if the person on the opposite side is about to explode, she still has the brightest smile on her face.

‘Our fashion critics’ invitations have all been sent out. If you are interested in our section, you can leave your contact information. We will give priority to you for the invitation letter for the next season finals. ’

‘Is the next TIM still in this column? ’

‘Mr. Zai, Mr. TIM has been hired by our column as a fashion instructor for Yu Yong. ’

‘Row! I will try to find a way this fashion week. I don’t embarrass you. You will register me in advance for the next edition. I want two, no less than three invitation letters! ’

‘Okay, sir, please go to the work desk to fill out a simple application. The information you submit will be listed in the sequence of our next invitation letter as soon as possible. ’

‘Congratulations, your invitation is now ranked at the 38th-40th place among the fashionistas. The next final show of the Flyover will definitely have your place. ’

‘That’s good! “A fat man dressed like a turkey on the side, wiping his sweat out of anxiety, left the site of the invitation with the satisfaction of leaving the bridge.

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