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Rebirth of the God-level Xueba - Chapter 661

Chapter 648 reverse

“Lao Tian, ​​you said, the people at Zelican have sent four months’ wages over. Are we going to work or not?” In the dormitory, a worker was irritated by the promise of four months’ wages and could hardly fall asleep. Turned over and asked about Tian Shichang.

“Then Zelican’s must send four months’ salary first.” Tian Shichang had discussed relevant issues with Yang Rui a long time ago, and he was considered half of the strike organizer.

The other people in the room also stood up because of this, and asked: “Lao Tian, ​​what do you mean, Zelecom is going to regret it?”

“Zelikang’s repentance is not necessarily true. The Western Union Factory will definitely not let it go.” Tian Shichang looked up at the others and smiled: “I am not a child of the Western Union Factory. I don’t care. How many brothers think that Lao Li is such a talkative person? ”

“Lao Li is a stuffy fart. He won’t let it go for a long time, and it won’t make any noise. It’s stinking to death.” The worker who spoke first was the Western Union Factory, and smiled and said his evaluation of the factory director.

The two people in the same dormitory also laughed, apparently they have heard such words.

Tian Shichang was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: “Image.”

The dormitory of the WestJet factory is a simple two-story building rented from the Westburg Meat Union Factory. A 30-square-meter room accommodates 4 people. The three rooms on the first floor share a bathroom. There is no kitchen on the whole building, which is most suitable for bachelors.

Of course, compared to the accommodation environment of the Xibao Roulian Factory, the WestJet Factory is not particularly good. Xibao Meat Union Factory is a wealthy unit, and it is not bad in the wilderness. Therefore, their single workers are all one person and one bungalow. The simple two-story building rented by WestJet Factory is a dormitory for single cadres. It is also a one-person one, the same size as single workers’ bungalows, but the environment is completely different. At least the simple building is brighter, drier and more dry. It is clean and the ground is made of cement instead of red brick.

The WestJet factory saves a little bit in this regard. After all, most of the workers they recruit belong to the children of the West Union factory. Even if they don’t live in the main factory, they will not be too far away. Many people go back to their homes two or three times a week. Temporary dormitories are not used much.

However, in the past few days, the workers of the WestJet factory have all lived in the dormitories and worked towards the same goal, but the relationship has become much closer.

Tian Shichang thought for a while, turned over, sat up, and said cross-legged: “Zelikang did not distribute dividends to the Western Union Factory. Lao Li must not do it. Besides, you can see that the crystallization of our own production in the front-end time must have been taken by TCM Foreign Trade. I went to sell, and the dividends were all distributed to everyone? If I were Lao Li, I would definitely think it would be better for me to score the dividends.”

“But the factory belongs to Zelican.”

“Sooner or later, you have to give it to Zeleca, but Lao Li definitely doesn’t want to give it now.”

“Then back to Zeleca, what shall we do?”

“What should we do about love? We have been skilled workers for more than a year. Is it possible for Zelecom to retrain? I think, Lao Li might save dividends and save a new factory. When the time comes, you guys It’s not good at home to ask you to return to the Western Union Factory.

Tian Shichang explained to the people in the same dormitory that the information was discussed with Yang Rui, and he was also quite prepared.

Tian Shichang is a member of the sharp learning group. He received subsidies from the sharp learning group during his studies. After entering the factory, he sent nearly 100 yuan to the sharp learning group to distribute subsidies to other sharp learning group members. The same is true. There are also Niu An and others.

They not only willingly maintain the identity of the sharp learning group, they also hope to maintain the identity of the sharp learning group.

From an emotional point of view, the members of the sharp learning group have experienced important moments in their lives. As of now, these young people around 20 years old should rarely experience more important moments than this, at least one year to several years. The getting along with each other also gave the members of the Ruixue group a sense of identity.

In reality, Tian Shichang and others who have entered the society also need to maintain the bond of the sharp learning group.

The interpersonal relationship after entering the society is different from the interpersonal relationship in the school. Even if the relationship is maintained in the form of classmates, it will make them feel better.

On the other hand, members of the sharp learning group, including Tian Shichang, can more or less feel the power contained in the sharp learning group.

In their student days, they can certainly get financial help, or after making money, they can give back to the sharp learning group. After leaving the student status, they can actually play a broader role.

Among other things, a few college students in Fanrui’s group returned to Hedong Province. In China, a human society, there are too many places where they can help. Wife checkups, children studying, elderly hospitalizations, and relatives look for them. Work and friends entering the bureau are unavoidable from the care of classmates.

When he was a student, Tian Shichang didn’t feel it, but after working, he felt it immediately.

Even in a small unit like the WestJet factory, Tian Shichang felt that one of the reasons why he was in good shape was his relationship with Yang Rui.

Among the many children of the Western Union Factory, other workers can clearly feel the marginalization. Only Tian Shichang can do both sides, and he is convinced by both groups. Of course, this has his ability to be a man, but there are inevitably external factors.

Because of this, the more the members of the sharp learning group who left the school, the more they cherished their identity as the sharp learning group. In a few gatherings, they all actively ran away, and after receiving their salaries, they did not hesitate to donate a few. Times.

They work hard and donate money. The members of the Ruixue group who study do not work but are subsidized. No one thinks that there is any problem.

Reading should be given preferential treatment, and the future of the sharp learning group is even more enjoyable.

Regarding the current situation of the WestJet plant, Tian Shichang is both worried and at ease. What he is worried about is not knowing how things will go. What he is at ease is that Yang Rui is confident.

Therefore, Tian Shichang said in a very confident tone: “Zelikang is a capitalist, and they will not be happy with money. Don’t say whether they are willing to spend so much money, even if they give it, they will definitely have many conditions. .”

“The salary for four months is a thousand dollars, so I can buy a TV.” The young man in the next bunk said excitedly: “If I buy a TV and go home, my mother will be crazy.”

“If Zelecom said that the prerequisite for taking the money is to withdraw from the strike, do you want to take the money to buy a TV?” Tian Shichang asked a question that he had prepared a long time ago.

The young man in the bunk beside him was taken aback and said, “If we take the money, aren’t we going to quit the strike?”

Tian Shichang shook his head: “You can’t withdraw even if you take the money. Unless Zelecom meets all our conditions, including those of the Western Union Factory.”

There was a slight silence in the dormitory. After a while, the young man in the bunk next to him said, “Lao Tian, ​​you are not a child of the Xilian Factory. What do you care about so much?”

“Without the support of the West Union factory, do you think you can stay in the WestJet factory?” Tian Shichang hummed, and said, “You haven’t seen the situation in the past two days? Lao Li didn’t nod his head. The door can’t be opened. When the time comes, the people from Zelecom are gone. Do you think that the WestJet factory can start smoothly? The WestJet factory can’t work normally. We can get wages a month and a month? You are all children of the West Union factory. , Know what virtue is Lao Li.”

“We are the children of the Western Union Factory. We take a thousand yuan to go home. What does Lao Li love to do and what does it have to do with us.”

Tian Shichang chuckled and said, “I take one thousand yuan to go home, and I won’t come back to work in the future. Lao Li guesses that we can’t do anything to us. You take one thousand yuan to go home and see if your parents are transferred. Peel off.”

The room was speechless.

“Four months’ salary Yo.” Someone sighed again, and then slowly fell asleep.

On the second day, the workers continued to stand guard in front of the WestJet factory.

Zhang Sheng and Wells also continued to talk with workers and Lao Li.

However, the key dividend issue cannot be negotiated, and the two sides are in fact not able to negotiate.

Workers who don’t know why they are slowly withdrawn from all kinds of problems, and demand to see the cash to be paid first.

Zhang Sheng and Wells had expected it, but they were still caught off guard.

How to make money without money?

“We did prepare a sum of money, but we hope that the workers who take the money can promise us a few conditions.” This is Zhang Sheng and Wells’s deferment.

Tian Shichang didn’t hesitate to say, “No matter what the conditions are, take out the money first and let us see it.”

“No, it’s not safe here.” Zhang Sheng replied flatly.

Tian Shichang chuckled, pointed at the group leader Feng and the others next to him, and said, “You show them, is it possible that we still dare to steal money from them?”

When he said this, the workers behind him were also angry.

Zhang Sheng didn’t explain the embarrassment of not withdrawing the money to Team Leader Feng. The latter didn’t think much about it and said: “Xiao Zhang, just show them to them, time has been too long.”

The investigation team came to Xibao Town for several days and did nothing. Team Leader Feng was also impatient.

Zhang Sheng hesitated again and again, took out the 10,000 yuan he brought with him, and took out the 10,000 yuan post office remittance slip, and said, “I haven’t had time to get the remaining money…”

There was a boos all around.

The workers at the WestJet plant have been very excited since they heard that there is a four-month salary. They have already figured out how much money the capital needs, and now they see 10,000 yuan in cash, naturally they are all dissatisfied.

Tian Shichang was right in front of him, and smiled even more: “Are you going to cut this money order and send it to us?”

Zhang San was embarrassed: “I will withdraw the money tomorrow.”

“You dragged a day like this, on which day can work be resumed!” Director Li suddenly cried out in pain, “Leader Feng, you are the investigation team sent by the organization. The WestJet factory cannot resume work. The losses include Our Xibao Roulian Factory and the foreign trade of Chinese Medicine are all the property of the country!”

Zhang Sheng was stunned. It was Zeleca who expected to resume work the most, but now things seem to be the other way around.

Team leader Feng was secretly screaming bad.

Zhang Shengyoung didn’t understand, but Feng knew that the domestic countermeasures against strikes have always been to bridge the differences as soon as possible , putting the end of the strike as the top priority.

If the workers at the WestJet factory have not been able to work, or the WestJet factory has not allowed workers from the WestJet factory to work, then the official caliber should be to require the workers from the WestJet factory or the WestJet factory to cooperate. To bridge differences. At this time, who is right and who is wrong, or whether it is fair or not, must be put in a later position.

From the conversation just now, things are inexplicably reversed.

Now, it is the representative of Zeleca that is obstructing the end of the strike.

“Leader Feng, if it doesn’t work, just hold a meeting to discuss it.” Old Li said with a smile. There are meeting minutes for meetings, which is a good thing for bargaining.

Team Leader Feng waved his hand: “There is no need to have a meeting. Xiao Zhang, since you have promised the workers to compensate the wages, please show your sincerity.”

“I know… I went to the local post office. Their director fell ill. Others refused to withdraw money to me. I already called the headquarters and asked them to urge…”

“I’ll find someone to say hello to you. You can pick it up tomorrow morning. Don’t delay.” Team Leader Feng paused, then said: “Xibao Town really can’t get it, so go to Xi County or Nanhu City to get it.”

He glanced at Lao Li, cursed “earth fox” secretly, and said to himself: You have the ability to take care of all the post offices in Nanhu City!

Zhang Sheng finally realized something, his face was a little pale, and the scenes along the way, it is not an exaggeration to say that it caused a psychological shadow, it is really frightening to come again.

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