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Rebirth of the Investment Boss - Chapter 774

Chapter 774 I want 20% equity

Only when Liang Aiguo saw the calmness on Lin Han’s face did he realize that Lin Han was not joking. For a while, Liang Aiguo frowned.

After all, no one can compare Liang Aiguo in terms of experience in the stock market.

Two minutes later, Liang Aiguo raised his eyebrows again and watched Lin Han’s words every word.

“It’s not that there is no way, but it is precisely because of the profit problem of the Tutong Group that it will not excite investors at all. Even if you release a part of the stock to flow into the stock exchange, the most will only let Tutong Group The market value has recovered.”

While speaking, Liang Aiguo asked Sun Yurou to open the details of the stocks of the Quantong Group on the big screen.

“The current market value is only 135 billion, so the conventional method is definitely not enough. After all, it takes a few months, Lin Han, you definitely don’t want to wait.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Han nodded.

A few months? To be honest, maybe a few months later, the matters between the Transit Group and the top ten consortia have been completely handled.

Besides, Lin Han does need a lot of cash now, after all, this is an important prerequisite for realizing the plan.

“So is there a more radical way?”

At this moment, Lin Han was like a student who just asked if he didn’t understand. The most important thing was that the old fellow Liang Aiguo nodded at Lin Han excitedly.

Presumably Liang Aiguo should have completely forgotten how he once lost to Lin Han’s hands.

“Well, Lin Han, you should make a plan, it’s best to be the kind that can be described and made vivid and can make countless investors envy crazy…”

Before Liang Aiguo finished speaking enthusiastically, Zhang Xiaolong, who was sitting not far away, yelled weakly, not to mention the few words in this sentence, but it was full of the flavor of the southern dialect.

“Isn’t this just bragging?”

As soon as the words came out, the scene was silent, and the sharp gazes suddenly fell on Zhang Xiaolong’s body.

After feeling the murderous aura at the scene, Zhang Xiaolong quickly cast Lin Han’s eyes for help.

Don’t tell me, that eager-eyed man is really pitiful.


In desperation, Lin Han could only deliberately coughed twice again. Although Zhang Xiaolong’s way of hitting the scene was not very correct, in fact Zhang Xiaolong was the core of the name.

After all, in the memory of Lin Han’s previous life, there was once a person who was able to brag. The company’s share of the company was not high, and the profitability was not very good, but it happened because of the PPT and the talkative mouth. The market value of the company has surpassed the peak of 1,800.

It just ignores a premise. It’s easy to pull dan with a big step. In less than two years, he fled directly to a foreign country.

“This is indeed the same reason. As long as you hold a press conference for Lin Han, coupled with the current profit and scale of the Intranet Group, it will definitely speed up the recovery of market value.”

This meeting lasted until more than 11 o’clock in the afternoon. After arranging everyone to eat together, when Lin Han returned to the villa, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon.

Even though Lin Han’s body was covered with a lot of alcohol at this time, but in fact Lin Han’s brain was sober. Through a meal, Lin Han was able to determine a few vital numbers.

In the previous support plan of the Transit Group, the 100 Internet companies, because they did not enjoy the tax exemption of the Transit Group, accounted for more than 10% of the entire Shimizu City tax payment last month!

Even Fang Zongxin said that this number is increasing rapidly every week.

In other words, the transformation plan of Qingshui City is considered a success.

But as far as Lin Han is concerned, it is still far from enough. After all, Lin Han can’t wait for that long, so if he wants to come first, he can only set his goal on Annotate Software Company.

You know, this time in order to persuade Zhang Xiaolong to relocate the team to Qingshui City, Lin Han almost broke his mouth.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaolong reluctantly agreed with the final result.

In this way, through this effect, coupled with Lin Han’s plan to carry out the last plan ahead of schedule, under various premises, it will almost be able to speed up the recovery and rise of the market value of the Tung Tung Group.

At this time, Chen Yutong also helped Lin Han bring a cup of steaming sober soup.

Today, the children in Chen Yutong’s belly are almost five months old. Formally, because of the fetus of the dragon and phoenix, this has caused Chen Yutong’s belly, which looks almost the same as an ordinary pregnant woman for eight months.

Coupled with the fleshy look of her small face, she looks really cute.

But just as Lin Han was about to stand up from the sofa, suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket rang a continuous buzzing vibration.

Especially after seeing the call from Li Zedong, Lin Leng Leng smiled and pressed the answer button.

After all, people with arrogant dispositions like Li Zedong basically wouldn’t take the initiative to ask for mercy and beg for help, presumably in Li Zedong’s brilliant life.

Lin Han is his life stain.

But there was no way. The only one who could help Li Zedong was Lin Han. In other words, Lin Han didn’t want to watch the Exxon consortium because of the defeat of the Li family.

Even if Lin Han really wanted to see it, because the Exxon consortium was the sole leader, it caused an uproar among the top ten consortiums.

But there is a premise that Lin Han cannot accept, and that is the question of time.

After all, the more it drags on, the more harm it will do to Lin Han.

Soon after the call was connected, a voice belonging to Li Zedong came from the receiver.

Rao is the name, but also from the former Lin Han to today’s Chief Lin.

Sure enough, once this person encounters life and death trouble, the so-called arrogance can be completely removed.

“Mr. Lin…I have arrived in Qingshui City. I hope I can get help from Mr. Li for some things.”

Lin Han didn’t speak, it was Lin Han deliberately.

After a brief silence, Li Zedong on the other end seemed to have decided on a plan.

“I am willing to take out 10% of the equity in exchange for the Desert Royal No. 3 oil field under the name of President Lin, and reduce the price of crude oil by 20%.”

Lin Han still did not speak, even Lin Han at this moment felt that Li Zedong at this moment was really funny.

Even because of the peculiarities of the oil field, the real profit cannot be investigated at all except the owner.

But even for this reason, Lin Han already felt that Li Zedong was thinking too much.

“10% of the equity is too small. Let’s calculate it on a one-to-one basis and replace it with 20% of your Li family’s equity!”

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