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Rebirth of the Little Lucky Star in 80s - Chapter 223

Chapter 223 Make you willing

Long Xiao curled up the corners of his mouth, and after saying “good”, he led her out. I got on a regular van outside the station and went directly to the only hotel in the county.

Even if Fubao has never stayed in a hotel, I know that the conditions there are much better than those in the guest houses, and the prices are higher. Generally, people with wealth and status will stay.

The hotel is not far away, it will be there in ten minutes.

Long Xiao said he was a person who lived in a simple guest house, but after seeing the environment of the hotel, he was still quite disgusted, and it was bigger and cleaner than the guest house, not much better. But as long as there is Fubao, he can bear everything.

Fu Bao walked to the front desk and wanted to have two rooms, but he didn’t expect Long Xiao to be faster than her, so he told the front desk to open a room.

The woman at the front desk glanced at the two of them back and forth, and then she knew it, smiled meaningfully, and opened a room. After opening the room, she handed the key to Long Xiao, “On the third floor, turn left to the fourth room. ”

Long Xiao took the key, and Fu Bao quickly grabbed his cuff and asked in a low voice, “Why is there only one room?”

“Don’t worry about living alone.”

“I can do it myself!”

“I don’t think so.”


Before Fu Bao could say anything, Long Xiao pulled her up.

When he came to the door of the room, he opened the door and said, “I just saw that there are many people living around, and there are many shops in the mall, so there are many people who are not serious, maybe there are burglars and even murderers. You How can I rest assured if I live alone?”

Long Xiao couldn’t be more serious, although he lives in the same room with her, he does have his own selfishness. However, it is more for her safety. For a little fairy like her, to really meet a vicious person, she might not be able to deal with her little spiritual power that is not worth mentioning. Even if he doesn’t die, he will be injured a little bit.

He has tasted the taste of losing her twice. In this life, he must protect her thoroughly and prevent her from having any accidents!

When Long Xiao said this, Fu Bao thought of the scene where he was thrown into the well before, and he was still a little afraid to say it. Moreover, people in this kind of place are really mixed.

But, do you really want to live with this demon?

The scenes of his dream last night appeared in Fu Bao’s mind again…it was so shameful.

Long Xiao led her in, and saw Fubao’s face flushed, and laughed playfully, “Why, what did I think of, my face is so red?”

Fubao, “…”

She turned her face guiltily, and said, “I…I didn’t!”

Long Xiao squinted at her, “Don’t worry, if I wanted to do something like that to you, I would have done it a long time ago, so why wait until now? Besides…”

Suddenly elongated tail sound, with a trace of evil, makes people think about it.

He lowered his head and continued to say in her ear: “Besides, I don’t want to force you. I will let you and give myself to me willingly.”

“…!” Fubao flushed and stared at him in embarrassment.

Is Mozun like this? It’s so unremarkable, molesting such a little fairy like her!

But…Fu Bao changed his mind to think about it, that’s not right, why should I be nervous and mind? If it’s not for each other’s concern that one is from the Celestial Realm and the other from the Demon Realm, there should be no involvement. In terms of identity and status alone, if something really happened to her and him, it would seem that he was the one who suffered?

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