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Rebirth: The Return of the Great - Chapter 364

Chapter 364: This Old Man Is Bad

“You are very strong!” Wu Xinlan said straightly.

Ye Yan nodded and admitted without modesty.

It is true that no one is stronger than him. In a battle of the same rank, the other eight great emperors may not be enough for him to fight.

Who told you not to cultivate your source?

“The most admired of our Wu clan is the strong.” The beauty of the Wu clan continued, her eyes were burning, exuding a light that made Ye Yan’s head bigger, “Although the descendants of the ancestors are also very powerful, he still failed to Convince me.”

“However, you are different!”

“Your strength has given me a depression that I will never be able to surpass in my life.”

“So, I want to be your woman!”

Hiss, are all witch women so direct?

“Can you do it now?” Wu Xinlan looked at Ye Yan with no embarrassment on her face, “I’m emotional and want to have a child with you!”

Ye Yan’s expression is embarrassed, what is your brain circuit?

I had to destroy this wave of undead just to find the secret realm, and I didn’t want to show off at all!

Why are you suddenly emotional?

Are witch women so active, enthusiastic, and direct?

What is it possible to do?

Oh, do you think I have no “energy” after the war?

Who do you look down on!

Ye Yan ignored her and started looking for the secret realm.

It’s better here than in a second place.

However, Wu Xinlan walked up to him, sat on the ground, and didn’t push her, she just looked at him with her chin up. The more she looked, the more fascinated she became.

From the Wu clan’s point of view, Ye Yan’s appearance is a little white-faced, not strong enough, not black enough, but he is tall and tall, not weak at all, and she knows very well that such a body contains What a powerful force.

With such a strong body, if… she couldn’t help but her eyes were blurred, her legs twisted.

Ye Yan’s own world was always open, so he could clearly capture Wu Xinlan’s subtle changes, not to mention such movements and expressions, even some kind of emotional aura secreted from her body could not escape his induction.

It’s over, it’s over!

Ye Yan couldn’t figure it out, this woman looked down on herself before, why did she suddenly change?

But in fact, since the Kyushu Tianjiao Conference, Wu Xinlan has greatly changed his opinion of him and admired his strength. After all, she witnessed these things with her own eyes. It was Ye Yan’s “lust” that made her feel disgusted all the time.

But under the ground, she was forcibly restrained by Ye Yan, and her arrogant heart was also convinced.

She can’t beat this man!

For the Wu people, if they can’t beat it, they will naturally surrender.

Ye Yan was two years younger than her, so there was no bullying the younger, which made her feel surrendered, and the battle just now was the last blow, which made her surrender completely.

found it!

Ye Yan was suddenly excited, and temporarily put down another troublesome head. He asked Wu Xinlan to take out the key of the secret realm. Suddenly, the seemingly ordinary key immediately glowed, and the valley seemed to respond. A door of light opened suddenly.

Thirty feet high and two feet wide, it is very majestic.

Wu Xinlan also said righteously: “This secret realm should have never been opened, and it was also created by a third-grade almighty. This is equivalent to his world of consciousness. A single thought of his can be turned into a murderous thing, you must be careful!”

Of course Ye Yan knew, he opened up an emperor-level secret realm, which could transform into a real dragon and a real phoenix with a single thought, but it would not be able to get out of the secret realm at all, it would shatter as soon as it came out, and it would be useless, but in the secret realm, then Power is different.

“Hmm.” He just nodded.

After that, he stepped in first.

If it was the same as before, Wu Xinlan would definitely be furious.

Why let her go behind?

protect her?

Who do you look down on!

But now, she obediently didn’t say a word, just followed up silently.

After entering the secret realm, Wu Xinlan immediately closed the passage of the secret realm with the key of the secret realm. There is no power to maintain it with strength continuously. Opening the door is equivalent to letting the world of Kyushu squeeze, and it will collapse in a short time.

Moreover, the secret realm is open, and it is easy to attract the undead.

Ye Yan looked around and saw that this secret realm was created by the third-grade almighty, so it was not big, and it didn’t even reach the limit of the third-grade, so it was only a thousand feet square, and there was no natural landscape, just a palace stood in front of it.

The palace is about 100 zhang wide, and only 100 zhang high. It is also 100 zhang deep. It doesn’t take long to search the whole thing.

Here, a dead air is deep, and there is no movement.

Ye Yan opened his own world, because the secret realm is only a thousand feet in size, and his own world can only be opened to this size, and then outside… that is the boundary wall, and he can’t push it away with his current strength.

Everything is under control.

“Let’s go in?” Wu Xinlan asked.

In the past, this was an affirmative sentence, but now it is a question.

Ye Yan shook his head: “No need.”

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I saw a lot of bottles and books in front of him, all of which were placed in the palace, and he was moved out by a thought.

Wu Xinlan was naturally only shocked. If she wanted her to blow up the palace with one punch, she would have no problem with confidence, but it would be completely impossible for her to accurately take out things from such a long distance.


At this moment, a black cloud flew out from the palace, and when it came to them, the black cloud fell to the ground and turned into an old man with kind eyes.

“Young man, isn’t it illegal for you to take things like this without asking?” the old man said with a smile.

Hey, isn’t the owner of the secret realm dead yet?

Wu Xinlan couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for a while, this was the real thing when the thief was caught.

Ye Yan said indifferently: “You are just a thought. The owner of the secret realm has long since died. This is a land without owners. Who do I need to tell me about what I take?”

Wu Xinlan breathed a sigh of relief, yes, this secret realm was established in a barren state, which means that it happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, even if the emperor was boiled to death, how could there be any master?

She was misled by the old man’s words, but she didn’t react.

Wait, even if she was misled, how could she be affected by the stability of her heart and the strength of her will?

Is it!

She froze suddenly, her fighting spirit soaring.

“It’s a guest from afar, let’s go in and have a cup of tea.” The old man was not angry, but instead invited him warmly.

Ye Yan sneered: “It confuses our sanity as soon as it comes up, and wants to introduce us into it when it doesn’t take effect? If I read it correctly, this should be a magic weapon, but there are restrictions on its use, only we take the initiative to go. Go in to take effect, right?”


Wu Xinlan nodded in her heart. She suddenly dropped her wisdom not because she was really stupid, but because she was bewitched, which affected her ability to think normally.

This old man is very bad!

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