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Shameless Warlock - Chapter 429

Chapter 124 Native and foreign occupations

The Super Spiritual Vision is a unique medium between the material world and the world of the dead. Through this medium, professionals of the Desire Apostle line can more clearly and intuitively evaluate and interpret the subject’s emotions, desires and changes in related indicators.

Although Xu Nan has not yet fully advanced the Apostle of Desire, with the help of the Pink Book, she has mastered some of the pre-skills of the Apostle of Desire little by little. Among them, the self-examination [Super Spiritual Vision] is one of them. .

From an advanced point of view, this skill is also essential.

The three-dimensional human figure in Xu Nan’s eyes now represents that he is naturally a projection of himself as an apostle of desire in the super-spiritual horizon, and the gas surrounding him represents the control of different emotions or desire elements. degree.

There are many types of these elements, covering the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of all living beings, and subdividing countless fine areas-this area is obviously not formed naturally, but artificially divided, which proves that the apostle of desire is not the general world The extraordinary profession derived from itself was formed under the planning of an external force.

For most professionals, this is considered a secret knowledge. Xu Nan also learned these subtle differences from Ron Warlock’s bloodline power after reaching the third level: in short, for In the general world, thousands of professions are divided into two types. The first is a profession derived from the will of the world itself, such as warriors, mages, and thieves…

These professional terminals basically correspond to the current law gods and even the older totem gods, but no matter what, they are all operating under the original laws of the general world.

Because they are more in line with the nature of the world law, these occupations are called “native occupations”. Compared with the second kind of occupations, the advancement of the original occupations is safer, the programs are more complete, and the risk is lower, but correspondingly, The upper limit is also constrained to a certain extent. Unless there is a big opportunity like the doom of the gods, the corresponding upper limit obtained by ordinary people is almost visible to the naked eye.

The second type of occupation is called “foreign occupations”. As the name suggests, these occupations are the occupations born when the general world merges with some strange forces or laws of the outside world. No matter which kind of outside occupation, there must be a mysterious power behind it. As a guide. This is a power system that is beyond the jurisdiction of the general world’s own laws, but can still get along with the world’s laws to a certain extent.

There seems to be no obvious distinction between the two professions, and even few people know the difference.

To use the analogy of computer games on the earth, the native profession is the official profession built into the game, and the foreign profession is the MOD edited by outsiders after the administrator has opened the permissions…

Players who have played such games probably know that, generally speaking, mods edited by outsiders are a bit more powerful, and there are even some BUG-level professions.

It is obvious that Ron Warlock is one of the foreign professions, and the source of the mysterious power behind it is Ron himself.

So in the general world, the difference between Ron Warlock and ordinary Warlock is so huge.

With the continuous improvement of Xu Nan’s strength, he realized more and more that Ron Warlock was actually just borrowing the name of some warlocks. Although the bloodline was indeed the core similarity between the two, Xu Nan felt that Paradise Lost was The true core of Ron Warlock.

In addition, the mage is also a profession worth mentioning.

Originally, the mage was the native profession of the general world, and the upper limit was the role of the goddess of magic; but unfortunately, many years ago, this native profession was played by the geniuses of the arcane empire who were aborigines. The flowers come.

They broke through the boundaries of their original professions and reached the realm of almost super gods; among them, the top powerhouse, headed by the wizard kings of the past, was called the [Great Arcanist], which is different from the original wizards, in fact, because They have changed in nature.

According to Xu Nan’s current view, the true mage is probably the believers of the magic goddess in the old continent who are still limited by the spell slots. In the current general world, whether it is in the Southern or Northern Continent, most of the casters have gotten rid of the troubles of their native professions. They also benefited from the advanced routes provided by the many mods edited by the senior Arcane Empire…

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Get back to the subject.

From the Pink Book, Xu Nan has long understood that the profession of Apostle of Desire is also a foreign profession, and its level of bugs is not inferior to that of Ron Warlock, so he will really consider the rare profession of stepping up.

In fact, native occupations and foreign occupations are only a relative term; for today’s earthlings, the laws of the earth are integrated by the general world, and all these professionals are “foreign occupations” born relative to the earth; as for, belong to the earth His native profession is still brewing in the blue dream.

Although Xu Nan had no chance to return to the Azure Dreamland recently, the information he occasionally obtained from his cheap daughter Huang Wu through the field of courage also made him vaguely aware that at least in China, it seemed that an initial native career was brewing.

This native occupation is called [Sword Fairy].


In the super-spiritual horizon, Xu Nan consciously examined his projection, and finally fixed his gaze under the halo of gas, where there were some colorful stone-like objects.

“According to the theory of the Apostle of Desire, the soul can be divided into two. The inner part is called [goose egg], which represents the nature of the soul; the outer part is called [halo], which represents the so-called element: also It’s emotions and desires.”

“If the Desire Apostle wants to control human nature and the human heart, he must control the various elements of the super-spiritual horizon. Among them, the goose is the cornerstone and is irreplaceable, so I must control a sufficient number of halos…”

“The ultimate task of the Apostle of Advanced Desire is to control the halo of more than three elements.”

These news are all Xu Nan learned early from the mouth of the Pink Book. He made the first choice before, which was the golden [adoration].

With Xu Nan’s strength, it is the easiest to use the elements of worship. After all, both the Ratman tribe and the unknown city are under his control. As long as some opportunities are created, the mood swings of these creatures will passively learn from Xu. Nan’s own halo.

But in the process of implementation, he found a little difficulty.

He did get some worship points from the Iceborne People, but the number was far from enough compared to the full value. This caused Xu Nan to think deeply. He saved these icefielders, gave them food and shelter, and created jobs for them.

Are these things not enough to brush the elements of worship?

Or is it because the people of the ice field did not really experience the situation of passing by with death, so they still stay in the category of gratitude for what Xu Nan did?

“No wonder those gods like to create disasters at every turn, and then save the common people with the posture of gods descending to the world…”

Xu Nan smiled bitterly.

Out of helplessness, he could only cast his gaze on the Itka tribe.

And this time, the meticulous performance with the help of Xu Youluo is an important process for Xu Nan to refresh himself.

Facts have proved that the rats did believe in everything that happened in the dream. In the super-spiritual vision, a steady stream of yellow halos poured into Xu Nan’s body from all directions.

Tier 1 Super Spirit Worship hits its full value instantly. Before Xu Nan advances, these elements will be stored in the form of halo attachments and will not be wasted.

With the fullness of the worship of the super spirit, he also obtained a brand new professional expertise——

[Superior: Your body is full of the aura of a superior. For ordinary people, looking at them more will make them shiver, kneel down and kiss your instep; people with weak willpower may even experience incontinence ……】

This is the first professional expertise given to him by the Apostle of Desire. The effect is weaker than that of Longwei, but it can actually play a very powerful support in battle.

In normal times, Xu Nan certainly wants to lock this feat, otherwise he is afraid that he will see a bunch of kneeling people when he walks there, but as long as he wants to, he can unlock the feat at any time and hit his opponent by surprise.

This thing is especially useful when facing assassins or wizards.

“Worship has been mastered, the next element, what should I choose?”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Xu Nan opens the super-spiritual horizon to select the next halo element to be collected.

A series of gas columns flickered, jumping in front of his eyes.

It didn’t take long for him to make a decision.

As a result of my thoughts, the three-dimensional human figure as a projection directly opened his hand slowly, and clenched the thin, black bamboo beside him.

[Supersoul Fear: Tier 1]


After making a choice, Xu Nan did not act immediately.

After all, things like advanced occupations can’t be done overnight. At the beginning, they were able to advance to the Apocalypse Warlock, mostly because Xin’er opened the back door for herself; this time Xu Nan really relied on her to advance, although there is pink The aid of the book, but you can’t be careless.

More importantly, with Yuura’s departure, the Itka Rats began to wake up one by one.

There is still some aftermath work waiting for him to complete.

one week later.

With a grand funeral, all the rat people cried and believed that Zula had died heroically in the battle with the devil, and City Lord Xu, who had also participated in the battle and made a key contribution, was also an ally The gesture was involved in the funeral.

At the funeral, the rats all saw that City Lord Xu was pale. It was obvious that the battle had left a lot of sequelae, and he was forced to come to the funeral.

This makes the rat people very moved.

They finally got rid of the curse that had troubled them for many years, and finally regained their freedom, but at the cost of the death of the high priest.

They felt the breath of freedom for the first time, but after the joy, they were empty and at a loss.

Without Zura’s leadership, where would the Itka Rat tribe go?

These are these huge problems that plague the rat people.

“We have longed for freedom for many years, but we never thought about what we would do after we were free.”

“Zula let the children work on the farm, but as far as I know, the rat people don’t like planting at all. We prefer adventure or exploration.”

“Dear Lord of the City, after experiencing a battle with the upper devil I don’t think all the rat people here will question your strength and wisdom; for the sake of the dead high priest, Can you show a clear way to the Itka Rat?”

After the funeral, the elder Cindia, who was temporarily selected to preside over the overall situation, asked Xu Nan tremblingly.

Xu Nan pushed the boat along the water naturally:

“The dark world is extremely dangerous. If you want to venture into the abyss, I will provide you with some help; but if you are unwilling to take such a big risk and are tired of your previous life.”

“Anonymous city welcomes you.”

He blinked, just right to turn on all his charm-related expertise and the [superior] who had just gotten very hot.

The next second, Cindia knelt down tremblingly:

“I am willing to follow the lord of the city, the people of Itka rats, are you willing?”

“I do!”

“I do!”

The harmony came and went one after another, and the rats at the funeral knelt down one after another, and the scene was very frenetic at one time.

As for the empty coffin next to it, it seems to be forgotten.

Xu Nan smiled: “Thank you for your love.”

“I have prepared some positions for you in the Alchemy Experimental Park in the Anonymous City. If you are interested, you can come and have a look at any time.”



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