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The Bumpy Road of Marriage: Divorce Now, Daddy - Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222 No one saw Ben ’s proposal?

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Finally at sunset, Gu Juxi found a book with the name of Ye Yuwei in the corner of a bookstore in South Gate. The name of Gu Juxi was written in the back of the book, and the red one The marker pen draws a heart circle.

Well, it’s secondary two.

Ye Yuwei covered her face with one hand, her lifetime name was destroyed.

But for university matters, who hasn’t gotten a second grade yet.

Gu Juxi found the book. This kind of second-hand book sold for about three or four dollars, but the store sold it for about ten dollars. So in the school’s second-hand bookstore, they are very profitable. This book can make money multiple times in a loop.

Therefore, the book that Ye Yuwei sold for a few dollars was bought back at nearly three times the price.

Gu Juxi is sick, and she is the one with Gu Juxi.

Gu Juxi got the book, and if he got it, he completely forgot the character attributes of his boss, Gao Fanfan, and took the book and shook it in front of Ye Yuwei.

Ye Yuwei rolled her eyes secretly, expressing the most direct contempt for him.

Gu Juxi took the book and Ye Yuwei, who had paid the money, left the small bookstore in Nanmen, and had to cross the entire school to the north gate because the car was parked there.

“Ye Yuwei, you used to be in the second grade?” Gu Juixi kept staring at the name of the first one, not in a good mood.

Ye Yuwei wanted to reach out and grab Gu Juxi directly around her neck. The other hand was raised, and she was not letting go.

“No one has a young and ignorant time.” Ye Yuwei gritted his teeth and liked him so much at that time. It was boring to watch his name for a long time in class.

Now Gu Juxi no longer doubts the love that Ye Yuwei said. There is nothing more than the name written in her textbook to prove that she is definitely not as simple as gratitude to herself.

“This kind of young ignorance is much cuter than it is now. Continue to keep the previous young ignorance.” Gu Juixi put away her textbook and patted Ye Yuwei’s head as if there was a switch on her head. , She can become the former Ye Yuwei.

On the campus of more than seven o’clock, there are already people going to the classroom to name their names, so there are more people on the road.

Gu Juxi and Ye Yuwei walked in the opposite direction, because Gu Juxi was by his side, and many people looked back. After all, Gu Juxi, a burnt bun with its own flow rate, had a 100% return rate everywhere it went.

But the man didn’t have much consciousness, and still walked around his wife.


This seems quite satisfying.

“No, what are you doing looking for this?” Ye Yuwei still didn’t understand, so he was still asking Gu Juxi who was driving on the way back.

Did he bring himself to school just to find this book?

Sure enough, thinking of what kind of feelings Gu always came to sell, it was okay to hit his face.

Gu Juxi did not answer, just glanced at Ye Yuwei.

Ye Yuwei was a little fluttering at this glance, Gu Juxi, was it to be a demon?

“That Gu Juxi, when the countdown for marriage proposal is two days, can I apply for it? Can you not be a demon?” Ye Yuwei said carefully, “Will you just ask me to marry me now, I don’t care about nobody Look, really. ”

Gu Juxi looked at Ye Yuwei’s arm around his arm and held it directly to drop a kiss. “No one watched Master Ben’s proposal? What a joke?”

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