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The Strategy of Walkthrough - Chapter 1617

Chapter 1617 Today I have to coax the sick petite pri

She cleverly crawled into the other’s arms, raised her small face slightly, and stared at it with wet eyes.

But Zhao Yuan didn’t even look at her.

Su Ci softly pasted it, trying to charm people like a fairy.

But she is just a fox now.

Zhao Yuan stretched out his finger, rubbed her chin, and stretched his finger over: “Where is the bell?”

Su Ci blinked and looked at the person.

Zhao Yuan chuckled softly: “I gave you what I wanted to throw away?”

Qian Jing Zi Jing felt that the little emperor had said this deliberately, but she had no evidence.

She didn’t throw it away at all.

It fell in the Phoenix Palace.

Zhao Yuan also knew clearly.

Su Ci leaned over, she remembered the smell of her on the bell, and she should be able to find it out.

The fox leaned on the little emperor and sniffed.

The paw stepped on it.

Sniff here, sniff over there.

Zhao Yuan allowed her to behave on herself.

Su Ci smelled a little breath.

She stretched out her paws and pinned the boy’s skirt apart.

Then he stuck his head in and drew out the bell.

Then he looked at people obediently.

Zhao Yuan leaned there, his clothes opened, a little messy, revealing a white jade chest. It does not appear thin, water chestnuts are distinct, and very firm.

The boy’s ink hair was hanging down, his facial features were extremely handsome, and his eyes were like star eyes.

What a stunning look.

Su Ci tilted her head and looked at the person, her cheeks a little red.

Did she do it all?

Qian Jing Zi Jing became a little shy, she still bit the bell and blinked her eyes.

I don’t know what to do.

Zhao Yuan raised his hand and didn’t try to tidy up the skirt. He scratched his fingers and said with deep eyes: “What are you going to do in the queen’s bedroom?”

Su Ci sat down, tilting his head slightly.

Very well-behaved.

I didn’t do anything.

Zhao Yuan squinted his eyes slightly: “Where have you been all day?”

Su Ci stared at the person for a long time with beautiful eyes, then dropped his eyes vacantly, and put the bell into the young man’s hand.

Looking at people squishyly.

Hurry up and help Aijia put it on.

Zhao Yuan stretched out his hand and clamped the two bells: “Do you think I will get mad like this?”

Su Ci stared at the boy Baiyu’s chest.

Can’t help but feel a little greedy.

She wants to eat Yang Qi.

But the little emperor is still angry.

Su Ci looked at the people, leaned forward, and acted softly.

I want to take the opportunity to steal a bite of Yang Qi.

But the little emperor took her stamina away.

He sneered: “Without my permission, you are not allowed to come near.”

Su Ci raised her face slightly and looked at the person.

The little emperor was also looking at her, his expression faint.

Su Ci is a bit distressed.

She tried to send her big tail over.

But the little emperor didn’t mean to touch it either.

Su Ci lay down obediently and rubbed his belly.

The pretty oval eyes of the money jar stared at people intently.

Don’t be angry, why are you so hard to coax the duck.

Zhao Yuan sat in the same place, but didn’t mean to touch her.

Su Ci worked hard for a while.

But it was useless.

She stared at the little emperor, so let’s not touch it if you don’t give it.

The money jar sperm put the tail away, and then planned to jump off the bed.

Who knew that the little emperor grabbed her tail and looked over with his eyes down: “Where to go? You can’t go anywhere without my permission.”

Su Ci looked at people a little wronged.

It’s too hard for you to coax, the jar can’t be coaxed anymore.

Zhao Yuan pinched her tail bone and said, “It’s here, you are not allowed to go anywhere.”

I like the quick walkthrough strategy: the enchanting male god, super Su’s! Please collect it: ( ) Quick Wear Guide: Enchanting God, Super Su’s! The literature is updated the fastest.

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