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Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo - Chapter 2178

Chapter 2178

“His code name is K2, command here with me!”

Lelouch still didn’t care about other people’s opinions at all and gave the order directly.

“Hey! How come another inexplicable guy comes up to command us!”

On the intercom, an anxious man shouted anxiously.

“If you want to win, want to defeat Britania, then just obey the command!”

Jiang Luo ignored the man who was thinking about it, and ordered directly.

“Is it really possible to defeat Britannia?”

A bitter female voice suddenly came.

“Do you want to try it? Well, according to that guy’s habit, your current code name should be Q1, right?”

The other side was silent for a while, and the awe-inspiring female voice continued: “…Okay, then I will listen to you once!”

“Wait a minute, how could it be so simple to listen to orders!”

“Wise choice!”

Ignoring the furious male voice that appeared again, Jiang Luo directly hung up the communicator.

He turned his head and looked at C.C, who was sitting against the wall and unable to move, shrugged and said, “King, Queen, it’s really Lelouch’s style.”

“However, don’t you think our name is very similar now?”

“What is called?”

For a while, C.C was also somewhat unable to understand what Jiang Luo was talking about.

“I’m called K2 now, isn’t your name pronounced C.C (C2)?”


For Jiang Luo’s words, C.C just responded with such plain words.

“Yeah, I also find it very boring.”

However, Jiang Luo nodded his head with a sense of truth, agreeing with C.C’s words.

Item 0069

“So first of all, we need a Knightmare. It is not a good idea to fight with the Knightmare with flesh and blood.”

Jiang Luo knocked on the communicator in his hand, cocked the corner of his mouth and muttered.

“K1, is there a place to get Knightmare nearby?”

Jiang Luo turned on the communicator again, and directly asked Lu Luxiu on the other side.

Lelouch paused, and the sound of him tapping the computer keyboard could also be heard in the communicator. It seemed that he was using the military Knightmare to search for information.

“Soon there will be a train carrying Knightmare passing by the railway here, we can stop it and take the Knightmare that Britannia is transporting!”

Lelouch’s calm voice came from the other side.


Jiang Luo lowered his head and quickly passed the map he had seen before in his mind. The huge map of Shinjuku, he just read it twice, and he remembered it all.

“Slightly far away!”

“where are you now?”

“The warehouse you were in before!”

Lulu Xiu on the opposite side was taken aback. I don’t know how Jiang Luo knew that he had been in that warehouse, but he temporarily suppressed this question in his heart, and only calmly said: “With this distance, you should not have it for K2. Question!”

Although the warehouse is a bit far from the railway, Jiang Luo’s physical strength and speed are well understood by Lu Lu Xiu.

“It’s okay if I’m alone, but with a burden, even I can’t do it.”


Lu Lu Xiu frowned, and did not understand what Jiang Luo meant.

“We’ll talk about this in a while!”

Hearing what Jiang Luo said, Lu Lu Xiu also knew that it is not the time to talk about this. He pondered for a moment and said, “If this is the case, we need a second set of plans.”

“Want to send me Knightmare? No, wait a minute, maybe not!”

“what happens?”

“When I’m really sleepy, someone will come to deliver pillows. I found a target here, and I will be in touch soon!”

After speaking, Jiang Luo directly hung up the communicator in his hand.

Listening to the sound of Knightmare’s wheels and tracks outside the warehouse, Jiang Luo’s mouth twitched slightly.

“What are you going to do?”

Seeing Jiang Luo rushing towards him unkindly, C.C said calmly, there was no woman afraid of it at all.

“Tsk! This attitude is too boring!”

Jiang Luo curled his lips, dissatisfied with C.C’s calm appearance.

“Do you want me to look panicked and afraid, shouting no, to satisfy your strange desires?”

“Although I really like it, but now, I am afraid there is no time!”

Without giving C.C a chance to speak, Jiang Luo directly took it out of his body, which was what looked like double-sided glue from his bedroom before.

“Sorry C.C, I am a little afraid that you will make a mistake in my next plan! However, I still have to ask you for a favor.”

Jiang Luo smiled evilly, and quickly put a piece of double-sided glue on C.C’s mouth, causing the witch to whimper, but she couldn’t make a sound.

C.C’s amber eyes stared at Jiang Luo, seeing what he wanted to do, she was slightly annoyed, and she also had a hint of curiosity.

Jiang Luo moved swiftly through the ruins on the side, jumped to a box, followed the bracket on the top of the warehouse, and reached the ceiling with a few jumps. He carefully glued two pieces of self-adhesive to the ceiling, whispering in his mouth: “This is a portable high-explosive drug invented by the doctor, but it is a high-tech product!”

After finishing the work, he went back the same way again, jumped to the floor of the warehouse, picked up a crowbar on the ground, and hid in a blind corner of his sight.

After hiding himself, he took out the grenade that he had found from the dead Britanian soldier from his waist, opened the insurance, and after a few seconds of silence, threw the grenade out.

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