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Transform Into the Marvel World - Chapter 1401

Chapter 1378 Encounter in the library

“Haha, you have torn apart a part of the reality from the already badly damaged multiverse. It’s better to keep such a broken house and tear it down and start all over again. Well, I won’t say anything… Aren’t those gods preparing to start now?…” the elementary man said a little gloating.

Daisy glanced down, and it was okay. The back hand she reserved would repair this part of the damage.

“Those gods need a formal way to get to the stage. It’s not the time yet. Don’t watch, we continue to work. I have another question about connecting the cycle of life and death…” Daisy closed her eyes again. Put his mind into the cloned multiverse.

The shock of the multiverse lasted for a whole year. For ordinary people, they didn’t notice anything. They went to work and school during the day and stayed up late at night to play games. The waves in the multiverse did not affect them.

The nations of mankind and Atlantis have reached formal diplomatic relations. Hesha has put out a lot of Atlantis technology to help mankind complete the initial plan of landing on Mars and establishing an observation post on Mars.

The general public’s attitude towards landing on Mars can only be said to be average. They don’t think this has anything to do with them. In their opinion, it will probably be a hundred years after humans have left the solar system.

Stark is still in the Pentagon, but he now has one more goal, the US Department of Energy.

It is too wasteful to continue to use oil, and to use these non-renewable resources. How long have clean energy been used since the technology is mature to today? ten years! This group of Energy Department guys still use nuclear fusion as an excuse, which makes Stark intolerable.

We have all landed on Mars, do you want to burn oil? How much did the oil company give you? I give double!

Stark’s focus has always been on the upper level, and he has naturally ignored many small things.

In many prisons on the planet, there have been cases of disappearance of prisoners. The number is a little too large, and the prison director dare not report it. Seeing that the missing prisoners do not appear in the society, they adhere to the principle that more is worse than less. , One by one chose the old way of deceiving the top and the bottom.

Hill successfully took over the post of director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the original executive deputy director position was succeeded by Victoria Hand. The crossbones of the four dynasties who had been rushing to the front line filled the vacancy of a deputy director. Grant Ward inherited the bald brother. Leave the post of deputy director of SHIELD.

One officer and three officers, two women and two men, the new structure of SHIELD is very complete.

Regarding the handling of the underground people, it took some time. The governments of various countries can recognize the Atlanteans, but they will never recognize the underground people. After several discussions, they were packaged and handed over to S.H.I. Deal with it, we don’t care!

After Daisy intervened, these underground people were ‘disappeared’.

In official records, there are a large number of people missing from the ground. What is this large number? SHIELD’s record is 90 million. At the same time, the Mole Man disappeared, Namor disappeared, Atlantis disappeared one-fifth, these were all enemies of Haisha. After the White Queen talked with him, he pretended not to know.

At the same time, Shia, Kerry and Skuru also had more missing persons.

Empires with serious civil wars like Shia and Skuru have even reported that the entire planet has disappeared together.

This is the trick of the enemy! How can all planets disappear these days? Neither side of the civil war believed in the reports.

All parallel universes are undergoing disappearances, and occasionally someone is aware of the problem, but lacks the necessary means. After investigation, they will also put the file in the mysterious incident with a face and wait for future generations to answer.

Some people with extraordinary strength can feel the changes, but they don’t know exactly where these changes occurred.

Superfluid space, multiverse library.

Doctor Strange is still studying crazy at an exaggerated speed. In addition to daily physical exercise, he has completely lived a life of isolation.

Captain America? not see!

Stark? Do not have time!

Christine Palmer, a beautiful colleague I met when I was a surgeon, has not been in contact for a long time.

In the face of knowledge, he gave up friends, women and enjoyment.

He could see for himself that the light of his camp was rapidly shifting from order to neutral.

What is the internal struggle of Roxon Oil Company, what is the chaos on the streets of New York, what the punisher killed how many bad guys today, these trivial matters he has no time to pay attention to.

I exercise for four hours a day and meditate for four hours 16 hours. The schedule is full and there is no idle time at all.

“Angmar’s Wizardry Guide?…This spell is very interesting, take it back and take a closer look.”

He stood in front of the shelves in the Multiverse Library and carefully selected new books.

This year’s crazy reading, even if he had an unforgettable talent, the loss of a lot of mental power caused his hairline to move a few centimeters back.

He estimated that if he had read all the books here, he would be about the same as his teacher…

He doesn’t care about this loss of external image. Even the soul was cut and sold in the past. Now a little hair is considered a shit!

Ok? He was very familiar with the library and found a vague figure. This was not a dark sacrificial ritual like an administrator, but a visitor who came to the library to find a collection of books.

The other party was a little far away from him, Doctor Strange was very familiar with this place, and the other party did not find him.

Looking at the other party’s antler helmet, brown leather armor and green cloak, Doctor Strange recognized the other party’s identity. He immediately let himself hide in the dark, thinking in his heart, what is Loki doing here? How did he come here?

Loki kept identifying directions at a special pace , he walked to the other side of the library, opened a wooden door, and walked in.

This wooden door was pushed by Doctor Strange before. When he pushed it, it seemed that the door was just an ornament, and he really didn’t know there was a room behind the door.

After weighing several times in his mind, thinking of his neutral camp, he no longer hides his deeds, and hurries to catch up.

The action of his pushing the door in shocked Loki, who was reading. The God of Lies obviously knew the rules here. His astonishment lasted only one second, and he didn’t mean to do anything.

Doctor Strange looked at the small room in front of him. In a room less than ten square meters, some books and parchment scrolls were scattered on three walls.

He knew all the words, it was the Rune of Asgard.

The collection here is all Asgard’s books, no wonder he couldn’t get in before.

“The supreme mage of the earth? It’s interesting to be able to meet here…It’s really interesting, are you following me?” Loki admitted that he inferred the answer.

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